By a - 12/02/2010 06:20 - United States

Today, I walked across my kitchen to go get my mom a blanket after she shoveled snow. I slipped and caught the kitchen chair with my side, landed on the floor and almost fracturing my knee cap. She then told me she wasn't cold. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 705
You deserved it 4 225

Same thing different taste

Top comments

killabeast1 0

shoulda asked if she was cold

haydenshaw 0

don't say that!.. snickerdoodles provides some of the comments that entertain people like me who never comment on these things but still read them.


xlmariuslx 0

ydi should have shoveled the snow yourself.

how does one "almost" fracture ones knee cap, if it didn't fracture how do you know how close it came

schwinn11 0

Why in the hell is your mom shoveling the snow, shouldn't you be doing it?

it's called English, most American adults know how to use it

Billbo23 0

at least ur kneecap us in one piece. mine is in 2 parts and i have 2 get surgery

boyguydudemalema 0

That's what u get for being overexcited on getting people their coat

killabeast1 0

shoulda asked if she was cold

JustStopSucking 0

Oh she's cold alright. Ice cold. Pops calls her a frigid bitch.

snickerdoodle do u comment on everything??

get a life instead of read about and comment on eveyone elses

haydenshaw 0

don't say that!.. snickerdoodles provides some of the comments that entertain people like me who never comment on these things but still read them.

jklol420 0

haha!!!! that musta hurt!! lol!! inlobe livin in florida xuz i dont have to deal with snow!!

MF12 0

I live in Texas (north Texas, granted) and we just had a huge winter storm... well huge for us texans :)

yea me too but i live in east texas, isn't the snow awesome?!

You can tell how crazy a person is by the number of exclamation marks used at the end of a sentence. You've got four, so I'm guessing you're next door to Brave_Sir_Robin in Ward 4.

how do you know you almost fractured your kneecap? I hope it feels better soon though

just to say, im new on FML and im doin it from my iphone so i dont know what some stuff is. so what does YDI mean

I never get to say this but snickerdoodle FTW!!!!!!! (for the win, newbie) I use a lot of exclamation points but I am a 10-year old crackhead hoping to room with BSR at Arkham. =D