By DesperateBich - 28/11/2018 14:00

Today, I was in band rehearsing for a big concert coming up. Since the band was practicing with the orchestra and there weren’t enough seats, we had to stand. My back was facing everyone when my friend tapped me on the shoulder and pointed to my ass. I got my period and everyone saw the stain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 174
You deserved it 232

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aunt Flo seems to be visiting a lot of ladies who are posting on FML at the moment. I hope your peers were mature enough not to laugh, or make fun of you.

It happens to a lot of people I'm sure OP Go get freshened up, make a joke and bring on the music


Aunt Flo seems to be visiting a lot of ladies who are posting on FML at the moment. I hope your peers were mature enough not to laugh, or make fun of you.

It happens to a lot of people I'm sure OP Go get freshened up, make a joke and bring on the music

imnotcleverenoughforthis 14

Sheesh your friend could have been a bit more discreet about it.

chessu 21

I must be quite lucky with mine, but never has my period started so unexpectedly as in these FMLs. You kind of know when to expect it and the first day is more of warning drops than actual flow that would leak through layers of cloth..

Before I got on birth control, mine wasn’t regular. And it would come full force (often, I was close to passing out the first few days). Sure, I would cramp before, but I was young and didn’t quite know the difference between period cramps and needing to poop cramps.

At least you weren't wearing a white wedding dress! Or six.