By evil Santa - 25/12/2014 03:48 - United States - Solon

Today, I was mugged by a guy in a Santa suit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 143
You deserved it 3 207

Same thing different taste


krazayman 18

that maybe what santa does to make money to give back to other people

*slurred* I'm drunk! You dunt havven an excuse...

Economy so bad, has to find another way to get toys.

So that's why Santa stole my presents instead of leaving some. He was probably stealing them to give to the less fortunate. What a nice guy. He was even wearing an all black suit. Bold fashion statement.

His special way of saying Merry Christmas :)

Clearly you weren't a good enough boy this year

Did he get beaten with a stocking full of coal? :D

CallMeWindSock 24

Should have hit him in his Santa sack.

As long as He checked his list twice I'm ok with this.