By jinxofsocal - 21/06/2009 04:16 - United States

Today, was my boyfriend's birthday. He wanted a blowjob while playing Call of Duty 4. In typical gamer fashion, he slammed his controller down when he died. Into my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 389
You deserved it 27 531

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mclayton37 0

See... Your boyfriend has a problem. He likes to mix his pleasures. It just doesn't work. You have to put a stop to it, before one day he's playing video games, talking on the phone, taking a dump, and gettin a BJ from you all at the same time.. NO! It's like that episode of Seinfeld when George tries to enjoy some pastrami and watching TV while having sex.. you gotta stop it before it gets worse!


Oh, and to everyone saying that it's "rude" of him. I'm a chick and I play games too, and if I was a guy I'd think it was awesome. So.. that's why some girls have no problem doing that for their boyfriend. If it's the guy's birthday and that's what he wants.. who cares?

ohhsnapp 0

lol. why would u give ur bf a bj if hes playing COD4? he needs to pay attention to u when ur doing that. but that sucks that he did that. haha.

purupuru 1

... How bad are you that he can still focus on the game while you're blowing him?

barklikecowsdo 0

I totaly did this one once. sucks huh

DTMFA. Now. Don't wait. Your boyfriend has the maturity of a Spongebob Squarepants chew toy.

Why The Hell Is Giving A ******** To SomeOne While Playing COD A Bad Thing. People Are So Pathhheticcccc. After A Few Minites the Game Finishes And All Attention is Back On You Anyway. Try Forgetting The Xbox Live Was Still On So People Could Hear EVERYTHINGGG. Including His Brother And Mates. FML

Pilibilli 4

gamer boyfriends.. what can you do? xD

Lock them from the inside of a room with a bed and no xbox/ps3 and then give bj