By jinxofsocal - 21/06/2009 04:16 - United States

Today, was my boyfriend's birthday. He wanted a blowjob while playing Call of Duty 4. In typical gamer fashion, he slammed his controller down when he died. Into my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 389
You deserved it 27 531

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mclayton37 0

See... Your boyfriend has a problem. He likes to mix his pleasures. It just doesn't work. You have to put a stop to it, before one day he's playing video games, talking on the phone, taking a dump, and gettin a BJ from you all at the same time.. NO! It's like that episode of Seinfeld when George tries to enjoy some pastrami and watching TV while having sex.. you gotta stop it before it gets worse!


YDI!!!! Bitch shoulda seen it coming!!

Kuroftw 0

I don't get why people are calling him a bad boyfriend and whatnot. Coming from a gamer, (a female one, but still!) mixing video games and sex is pretty much the best thing...well, ever.

Yeah one sided pleasure in blow jobs is totally disrespectful and wrong. Backrubs too. Disgusting.

Ok i dont care if its his BD or not, if ur gona give him head, he better be into it, why the **** would you even do that! YDI, and dump the jerk!!! Playing games while getting head from you GF.. thats just disgusting! Shoot him in the left ball!

All you people trying to fight over if BJs are good or bad is hilarouse! It is personal preference. She is not a **** for giving her boyfriend a BJ while he was playing COD. IT WAS HIS BIRTHDAY PRESENT. He asked her for it, not forceed. So geeze. Shut Up.

wow... why would someone want to play Call of duty while his girlfriend is giving him a *******? I'd rather focus all my attention on the girl.... what the **** is wrong with your boyfriend?

Lintriel 0

i always slam the controller when i die as well lol

wow at least you can brag your bj's are so good they'll kill ya

RedRuby46 0

jesus what an asshole! lol i give u major props 4 actually DOING it while he was playing vid games. what a nice gf u r...and he prob thought so...til he shoved that piece o plastic 2 ur skull. did he atleast apologize?

Cerauno 0

What a douchebag. Why would you WANT a ******* while playing video games? Totally kills it for me, personally.