By jinxofsocal - 21/06/2009 04:16 - United States

Today, was my boyfriend's birthday. He wanted a blowjob while playing Call of Duty 4. In typical gamer fashion, he slammed his controller down when he died. Into my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 389
You deserved it 27 531

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mclayton37 0

See... Your boyfriend has a problem. He likes to mix his pleasures. It just doesn't work. You have to put a stop to it, before one day he's playing video games, talking on the phone, taking a dump, and gettin a BJ from you all at the same time.. NO! It's like that episode of Seinfeld when George tries to enjoy some pastrami and watching TV while having sex.. you gotta stop it before it gets worse!


This is why PC gamers are better people.

Such an effing asshole how do you know some pcers dont throw the keyboard at ppl or slam the keyboard or hit the screen? So....

Well, on the bright side, I have to give you my seal of approval as the "Best Girlfriend Ever". Videogames, and oral sex... Can't miss. On the not-so-great side.... You got owned. Straight up. I'd just like to ask one more thing: What were things like, immediately afterward? I mean...Did you keep going, or punch him in the dick? I personally wouldn't have blamed you, in his position, for choosing the latter.

firstnlast77 0

can i just say OWN3D XD hope he didn't knock you out or he would have t-bagged you while he was at it. lol people like your bf remind me of that dude who yelled SPOCK!!!

cooorah 0

Sounds like he's got you whipped. Blowing him off on his birthday. What a fantastic birthday present. Have you no dignity in yourself? Disgusting.

shutup you prude. i hate people like you, shying away from anything sexual, it's PATHETIC, and STRANGE. Most people have real relationships where they actually enjoy pleasuring each other. Are you too ****** in the head to be comfortable enough with anyone or what? I feel sorry for your partner(s) and the terrible sex and relationships you'll have with them, grow up

mini_cupcake 0

seriously?? same general sensation as sex. it's just HER doing something special for HIM! get over it!!!

youarekinetic_ 0

well, in my opinion, i wouldn't be as upset about getting a controller in the head as i would knowing that my boyfriend was more into his game than the ********.... fyl.

Personally, I think that if he wants to play a video-game while you do that; he's a loser, and to make things even worse he basically FORGOT you were there and cracked you over the head. That guy is an asshole for even asking you to do that, it's one thing to physically express love, it is another to degrade and humiliate the person you are supposed to care about. All that aside though, is your head okay? My brother has slammed controllers down hard enough to break them before. He could have seriously hurt you.


what a ******* loser... turn off the game and get some birthday lovin... i never understand guys that keep playing video games over geting some head or more with the gf.

You should understand that guys like blow jobs, and they like video games. Both simultaneously? That's something special. It isn't degrading to be combining two awesome things that, when put together, are three times as fun.

skulls_n_hearts 0

i learned that a guy that plays video games way to often is a loser. when that guy wants a ******** while playing a video game than he is just a schmuck. not worth your time.