By jinxofsocal - 21/06/2009 04:16 - United States

Today, was my boyfriend's birthday. He wanted a blowjob while playing Call of Duty 4. In typical gamer fashion, he slammed his controller down when he died. Into my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 389
You deserved it 27 531

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mclayton37 0

See... Your boyfriend has a problem. He likes to mix his pleasures. It just doesn't work. You have to put a stop to it, before one day he's playing video games, talking on the phone, taking a dump, and gettin a BJ from you all at the same time.. NO! It's like that episode of Seinfeld when George tries to enjoy some pastrami and watching TV while having sex.. you gotta stop it before it gets worse!


xNatsuki 0
Protegas 0
0r30 0

Ooh...I know that hurt... I've never even had the thought, or never recalled thinking of my girlfriend doing that while I was playing a game EVER, but that has definitely changed now... XD Sometimes I hit myself in the head with the controller, but that doesn't really happen anymore. (I's pretty stupid...) If she somehow decides to do that, she'll know that I won't hit her. But seriously...if she offered to do that, I probably either turn the game off, or hide in some corner and set the controller down. Maybe it'll turn into something else...I can just picture it now... ;D

BleedingAssassin 0

wow i would love to have u as my gf lol

AntiChrist7 0

YDI for loving such a nerd who doesn't respect you.

Yeah, nothing's sexier than watching a bunch of sweaty dudes kill each other, knowing on the other end are a bunch of teenagers yelling "BOOM HEADSHOT." Gets me going every time.

haha the funniest fml ever one day im gonna be like him just while playing ttfaf on expert wonder what would happen if i use star power?? 0.o btw u suck dick 4 fun....sounds kinda smutty but idgaf its your life

alex_vik 0

"Today I got hit in the head. FML" That's how I read this.