
By Wifewithquestions - 26/01/2020 20:00 - United States - Clarksville

Today, I found male enhancers hidden in the back of the car, which I'm assuming are my husband's, but we haven't been having sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 695
You deserved it 376

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe the male enhancers aren't working.

J15237 25

I am sorry to hear that "we havent been having sex". Maybe "He" has been, but also male enhancers are not just for sexual drive. Has he been going to the gym more? Maybe getting his body in shape. I think you should ask him before assuming the worse.


Maybe the male enhancers aren't working.

Just because she found it does not mean she was searching. Don’t you ever clean your vehicle?

I think you're replying to the wrong comment. But for the record, no, I never clean my vehicle.

why were you searching your car? And maybe you haven't been having sex because he is not feeling confident. Or maybe because of your lack of trust. ydi

Maybe she was cleaning the car. OP didn't once say she was looking for anything.

Jillian Cosby-Kelly 15

have you never heard of someone CLEANING their car? you're an idiot

EmDizzle2007 28

the mad bitches replying to you are likely single. he could have been taking them just to JO. dudes use lube buttplugs and cockrings just to enjoy some self lovin. the "cleaning the car" fuckery is the lie these spinsters would use to justify snooping. if he's keeping it in their car, he likely put them in a place she never goes, which means she didn't just happen on them. but, if they don't share a car, she has no excuse for being so deep in his shit.

Have they been used? Maybe he was trying them out before trying them with you? Otherwise your suspicions could be correct.

bobsanction 18

Maybe he's self conscious about the size of his penis.

J15237 25

I am sorry to hear that "we havent been having sex". Maybe "He" has been, but also male enhancers are not just for sexual drive. Has he been going to the gym more? Maybe getting his body in shape. I think you should ask him before assuming the worse.

It boost testosterone. Your husband is just trying to get a boost when working out 💪🏻