By PO'd big bro - 13/01/2015 01:11 - United States - Toccoa

Today, I had to call a few different women and explain to them that my little brother had catfished them. I had to do it because he is mute and my parents were too busy screaming at him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 023
You deserved it 2 279

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Good for you for telling the women, though. They had a right to know, sooner rather than later. Hopefully your parents' shouting made an impression and your brother doesn't do it again.

By the way-catfish means he pretended to be someone he's not and talked/flirted with them.


Dodge4x4Ram 46

catfished them? I need explanation

At fishing is where you pretend to be someone your not in order to trick people online into liking you.

I had to Google this as well and apparently 'catfishing' is when a person pretends to be someone they're not on social media in order to pursue deceptive online romances.

catfished having a relationship of any sort with someone on social media that isn't who they say they are, by using someone else pictures or living a totally different lifestyle than what they told you. ... typically over FB, these days.

It's a pretty terrible thing to do to someone, especially because usually it involves communication over a long period of time. You'll see catfish getting people to trust them, open up to them, become attached to their internet persona.... Not nice.

iLike2Teabag 27

Google Manti Te'o and read about his fall from grace after being catfished.

Well some people do it out of being too shy. Like if someone likes another person at school and is to shy to admit it so they create a fake identity. It's also like a a more extreme version of Instagram stalking (from my prospective) but there are bad people out there too.

It's no less cruel to do it out of shyness. You're still deceiving someone else. Just because you're not doing it with the intent of hurting someone doesn't mean that they won't get hurt, or that you're not lying to them.

poppunkette 22

Pretending to be someone your not an using fake photos

jthmtwin 16

Catfishing is awful, however if you have a spare hour look up 'catfish the tv show' its pretty good for being an MTV show

#22 It's about the only good MTV show.


Must have got the idea from the Switched At Birth. Which is half about deaf kids. o.O

I thought everything horrible was good for being an mtv show

Dodge4x4Ram 46

thanks everyone, I read that very late, didn't have time for Google.

I lost my gf of a year to a catfisher

should watch the show, it's one of my favorites.

Aww , I feel for you OP, but you're a good sibling to do that.

Good for you for telling the women, though. They had a right to know, sooner rather than later. Hopefully your parents' shouting made an impression and your brother doesn't do it again.

Well that's odd. Good on you for telling them!

AFAIK catfishing is pretending to be somebody else online. Usually on dating sites.

By the way-catfish means he pretended to be someone he's not and talked/flirted with them.

Queen_of_Night 20

I only know what this means because of an SPCA commercial.

Queen_of_Night 20

#27- Yeah, I am since i just saw it two weeks ago. A French cat came to America to find his sweetheart only to find out "she" was a fat orange cat named Bob. Bob's owner told him no more catfishing on the internet. I don't really get my rocks off screwing with people... Mostly because I'm asexual and have no need to get my rocks off.

At this point your brother wishes he was deaf too. Anyway, good for telling them. Now hopefully they can move on with their lives.

well your brother need to be taught some good lessons. its sick

lexiieeex3 32