By Someone - 22/02/2011 18:30 - United States

Today, someone started an event on Facebook for tomorrow called Kick A Ginger Day. Over 300 people are attending. There are only two redheads in my school, and I'm one of them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 299
You deserved it 9 287

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The way I see it, you have three choices: A) Dye your hair B) Play sick and stay home C) Get kicked


I love how none of you are actually talking about gingers. you need a vocabulary lesson. GINGERS have red hair, pale skin, AND freckles all over, and have no souls. DAYWALKERS can have any combination of the three without having all three. just red hair, pale skin and freckles but not red hair, etc. GINGERS are gross looking, it's just that combination of traits isn't attractive, because they have gingervitis. DAYWALKERS have the potential to be beautiful, as all of the beautiful "Ginger" people you are talking about are in reality daywalkers, and therefore do not count as a beautiful Ginger, as this FML is about GINGERS not DAYWALKERS

ohthebloodygore 16

227, so I'm ugly because I have green eyes, red hair and freckles?

GravityPurple 0

Preach it, brotha! You speak the truth! Hallelujah, amen!

wtf. i have pale skin, green eyes, originaly natural red hair, freckles, and im ugly? thanks for shit jerk...

oh joy another moron quoting south park.

I know the kid that started that and let's just say he's getting his karma XD

MrsFail 0

Don't feel bad OP, the person who created it probably stole it from a South Park episode which means they weren't smart enough to think of it on their own. I love gingers, my husband's a ginger. Love who you are because in the end, none of those kids matter.

nsm0113 0

dude, im a ginger too. that makes me so sick.

How disrespectful of someone to make that kind of event. It's not even a real thing to celebrate or rejoice over. I just looked on Facebook and there are over 100 different pages and events called "Kick a Ginger" Day. I would be heartless to join this. I have a best friend who doesn't attend my school but is very close to me that is a red head. It's terrible to think people are actually thinking of doing this. Pretty sure tomorrow someone will go to the principal and say that people have created a group like this, and then everyone who join the groups who attend that school will be suspended or giving a consequence. Even if someone does kick you, go to the principal and leave an anonymous note stating what happened and why it happened. People are jerks and sadly we have to live with those people despite our opposing personalities. Life is complicated. Sorry about that. No one should be judged for the colour or your hair. People talk about racisim and how we shouldn't use our differences to objectify each other, but I mean, people are proving their wrongful behavior by doing crap like THIS.

kportal69 5

move to new England. you'll be much appreciated. and don't forget blondes have the most fun brunettes are sexy smart and fun but red heads **** the best!!

ginger0321 4

ikr! and I was just watching the show "What Would You Do?" and one problem was Ginger discrimination. it's mean and wrong. and very stupid... D: I'm not even a Ginger yet it still bothers me a lot.

CommonSenseKarma 17

I think tomorrow's going to be a sick day, buddy.