By Someone - 22/02/2011 18:30 - United States

Today, someone started an event on Facebook for tomorrow called Kick A Ginger Day. Over 300 people are attending. There are only two redheads in my school, and I'm one of them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 299
You deserved it 9 287

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The way I see it, you have three choices: A) Dye your hair B) Play sick and stay home C) Get kicked


SaltedSeaSlug 0

how could this possibly upset you? everyone knows that gingers have no souls.

Tomorrow is kick a ginger day! **** I'm screwed! I feel ur pain man =(

Bring a taser with you tomorrow, and see how many people you have to leave twitching on the ground before they take you seriously and leave you alone

just report it or something dont schools go crazy over facebook related violences still?

Shana1032 0

Seriously? Their immature! Don't listen to them!! Thats so gay!

iluvyuu192 0

thats like me, only im the only ginger > <

BugsBunny1 4

you should hire chuck norris they well pay