Romance is dead

By Anonymous - 08/06/2021 10:59

Today, my husband seems to think sex once a month is adequate, and that it’s acceptable to nap on the sofa once he gets home from work, wake up for dinner, then go straight to bed. I also can’t speak to him while he’s eating, because he’s watching tv. I thought I had a husband, not a roommate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 491
You deserved it 219

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He sounds depressed. You should talk to him about it.

If your husband is always tired, it might be some health issue. Talk to him until he agrees to see a doctor. If he forgets his appointment, talk to him again.


If your husband is always tired, it might be some health issue. Talk to him until he agrees to see a doctor. If he forgets his appointment, talk to him again.

He sounds depressed. You should talk to him about it.

Why can't you speak to him in the morning? Is he leaving really early? This might explain why he is so tired in the evenings.

That’s not good. It’s time to tell him that now. Regardless of how “hard” you work, no spouse should treat you like that.

Warp1978 15

These are classic signs of depression, I know because this was me last year cold, distant, non communicative. Ask him to talk to you about whats wrong and listen to what he has to say. I cannot recommend therapy enough either. Good luck to you

First, I'll echo what everyone else has said about depression. I used to think that depression always looked like someone being really sad and mopey, but that's not at all true. It presents in many ways, including (in my case) being cranky and irritable. Excessive sleeping and lack of energy are very big clues, so seriously, do what you can to get him to talk to a specialist. Second, I recommend reddit's /r/deadbedrooms. They would be a good source of support while waiting for your husband to get his depression under control (if that is indeed the problem). Otherwise, they're a source of a *ton* of experience with marriages that have basically non-existent sex, and they can offer perspective, advice, stories, etc.