By Anonymous - 14/08/2019 00:01 - United Kingdom

Today, I was arrested for a crime that happened 27 years ago. I'm only 21. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 583
You deserved it 140

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So, you were a thug in your previous life? Karma works slowly, my friend.


BigSissy 14

That is horrible! I hope everything gets straightened out soon!

So, you were a thug in your previous life? Karma works slowly, my friend.

katydid91 31

Likely they were a victim of mistaken identity. Maybe someone has the same full name and a similar birthday as OP.

Usually, “not existing” is an airtight alibi.

if that's the case I'm going to guess this all gets straitened out.

mccuish 25

I hope you weren’t carrying any dangerous butter knives or hand tools on you when they picked you up.

The only crime I know about that the statute of limitations would not have expired after 27 years is murder. How did they get an arrest warrant for you when three is no possible way you could have had 2 of the 3 requirements of a crime? Something doesn't add up....

Well, considering people have spent days in jail based on an arrest warrant for someone with a completely different name and appearance...and it took awhile to get anyone to even bother to check and realise the dumbass mistake...the question is not how did it happen, but how long it takes to get someone to straighten it out.

"Luckily, I had a good alibi since I was in Wisconsin and 12."