By Someone - 22/02/2011 18:30 - United States

Today, someone started an event on Facebook for tomorrow called Kick A Ginger Day. Over 300 people are attending. There are only two redheads in my school, and I'm one of them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 299
You deserved it 9 287

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The way I see it, you have three choices: A) Dye your hair B) Play sick and stay home C) Get kicked


**** you guys saying "ydi for not having a soul" Its also pink day tommorow, and if you guys are that stupid to do things like that on pink day you must be really dumb.

madhattermaiden 1

Boo hoo, poor you. I don't understand why everyones so obsessed with gingers. They're not that great.

Okay, does no one understand that the word "GINGER" is an anagram for a word used to describe a completely different group of marginalized people? Seriously, how does anyone think this whole "ginger" phenomenon is about people with red hair? Are people this thoughtless? Does no one play scrabble anymore?

Actually the anti-red hair is a nod to anti semitisism

#47, a firecrotch is somebody that has an STD!

Gingers are not that bad xP Oh and sucks for you OP, FYL.

chappy5 0

the majority of redhead/ Ginger girls are pretty attractive, but I havnt met a Ginger dude who wasn't annoying

MyyLifeeIssFcked 0

So just skip school.. And that sucks sorry op

asackitch 0

and look at u that's y u had to date a Ginger :€

asackitch 0
PancakesEqualLov 0