I didn't choose the thug life…

By Anonymous - 20/01/2023 10:00

Today, it's my 37th birthday. I was an honor student in high school, went to a top university, accruing a bunch of debt, and got trapped working jobs I hate. All because my teachers told me I was too smart for state school. The drug addicts I went to high school with live a more stable life than I do. FML
I agree, your life sucks 798
You deserved it 256

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm always suspicious when someone says they went to college without mentioning their degree. It makes me think they majored in something that does not provide a well-paid career. The phrase "liberal arts" has a root in the Latin word for "free," meaning you are free from the obligation to make money. If you need a job to get by, you should have majored in something with a lucrative outlook.

no reason you can't change your situation. it's never to late. start with getting out of debt and change jobs. look up Ken Coleman on youtube he's awesome at getting you to figure out the perfect job for you.


I'm always suspicious when someone says they went to college without mentioning their degree. It makes me think they majored in something that does not provide a well-paid career. The phrase "liberal arts" has a root in the Latin word for "free," meaning you are free from the obligation to make money. If you need a job to get by, you should have majored in something with a lucrative outlook.

xxWTFxx1981 23

I agree with Richard. It's all about what degree people major in art, communication, history those degrees need 2 more degrees after undergraduate to be used for any decent career. I went to state school and make decent six figures and I feel bad for friends that went to private university with six figure loans making a heck of a lot less than I do.

no reason you can't change your situation. it's never to late. start with getting out of debt and change jobs. look up Ken Coleman on youtube he's awesome at getting you to figure out the perfect job for you.

I always wonder why people pay for an education that does not lead to a well-paying job? It's like choosing to invest in polar ice caps. You could have just thrown he money out, that would've been easier.