By Someone - 22/02/2011 18:30 - United States

Today, someone started an event on Facebook for tomorrow called Kick A Ginger Day. Over 300 people are attending. There are only two redheads in my school, and I'm one of them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 299
You deserved it 9 287

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The way I see it, you have three choices: A) Dye your hair B) Play sick and stay home C) Get kicked


gretchensaysRAWR_fml 0
sallen0046 4

This is only a FML situation if you're stupid enough to actually let people kick you for having red hair. Tell your school administrator so they can be aware of the possibility of violence, and solve the problem before it actually becomes problematic.

jemm94 0

kick the first person that messes with you in the balls. set the standard.

haha make a day called 'kick an asshole day' see how that one works out

it is time, for the 23 of every month represents the first ginger was born, we shall rebel on the marrow, all than the gingers will die!!!

oooo that's hard I remember kick a short person day that sucked I'm short.

roketkween 0

red heads are so ******* hot. you'll know what I mean after high school. nobody dies their hair fire red over there? it's becoming soo popular

No one is really going to kick you moron! That's like kick a belieber day. Stop whining before you sound like that kid from youtube.