By Anonymous - 28/10/2012 16:44 - United States

Today, over a family dinner, my husband and I told everyone that I'm pregnant. My father frowned and said, "Again?", my 9-year-old daughter started crying, and her brother smirked and yelled, "Up the ass, no babies!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 050
You deserved it 6 139

Same thing different taste


holyshitbatman 20

i didnt realize there was a limit o how many children you could's the 21st century. he should be happy to be a grandpa again. for your son, i would have backhanded him. reguardless of his age

I've noticed after the first child people are asking the parents when they are having a second kid. By the third people are ok with it. When the fourth or higher pregnancy is announced people are stunned "you're really having another kid"?

IQWasJustLowered 0

he has to be pretty old, not only say that but say it in front of his family.

X_Codes 11

I'd guess he's more around 5, actually, and is just repeating something he's heard at school. Also, if he's the younger sibling of the 9-year old, then that would explain why she broke out crying. She's horrified that she's going to have to put up with *two* snots like him.

Well... He certainly tells the truth

TheRealRCP 0
bonsaiboy26 1

Sounds like something u could have expected from the Ballad of ricki bobby.

Make them stand in a line and bitch slap the lot of them.

Your comment was honestly the biggest clusterfuck of shit that did not make any sense.

Lionesse 15

Well...That's kind of um..awkward.... Lovely table manners your child has.