By snipsnip - 16/07/2016 01:14

Today, after finally growing my curly hair down to shoulder length, I decided to get it styled for a dinner date. The stylist rolled up the barrel brush on my head and it got stuck. Hello, pixie cut. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 648
You deserved it 1 016

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As a professional, they should have known not to use that particular brush like that. I would definitely be complaining to the owner of the salon about it. I get it, hair grows back, but that's still bullshit.

I truly hope you did not have to pay for that haircut.


I truly hope you did not have to pay for that haircut.

I would love to provide advice and or a witty comment, but I am not that smart.

Damn, I hope it looks good though! Rock that new cut :)

As a professional, they should have known not to use that particular brush like that. I would definitely be complaining to the owner of the salon about it. I get it, hair grows back, but that's still bullshit.

Are you sure that there is/was no other way to get it out? Im sure there are products like detangling sprays that could've maybe helped a little? Ir maybe you should've just destroyed the hair curlers. Thatd be my preference

I once had gotten a brush stuck like that in my hair too! But I patiently removed it, little by little.

From both ends, with nail scissors, carefully cut the bristles from the brush. The maintenance of growing out a pixie cut (restyling regularly for the increasing length) costs WAY more than a brush, even if it's a good one.

And curly hair takes much longer to grow out than straight hair, because so much of its length isn't going straight down unless it's dripping wet. I feel for you, OP. 8(

My sgort dark curly hair never gets cut.

My short dark curly hair never needs a trim.

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It's a hairbrush that looks like a barrell.

Breaking news : Men have brains. I hope you're just joking, otherwise, i'm sorry for you.

andrmac 25

It's the round brush that has bristles in 360 degrees.

And it should really not be used on curly hair, for exactly the reason OP suffered. 8/

dietcoke09 25

Curly hair at shoulder length= straight hair at least to the middle of your back if not longer. That's so unfortunate. Sorry that happened! Take biotin!

Not always true, my hair gets curlier the longer it gets, just like my dads.

#25, I think what #15 meant was not that it's less curly as it grows (though most is, somewhat, as the increasing weight of the hair tends to pull the curls a bit straighter -- especially towards the scalp), but that when hair looks shoulder-length when it's curly, if you were to straighten that hair out, it'd extend all the way to the middle of the back.

depends on the level of curls. and #25, the curls wind up and take more hair up so if you straighten curly hair, they unwind and look longer. it has nothing to do with how long your hair is as to how curly is it

27, thank you for explaining my fault civilly, on this website I've come to expect being called an idiot or a fool and down voted into oblivion for slight misunderstandings like that, so thank you for being nice. And **** you all who down voted me rather than explaining my mistake.

Can verify, my hair is a few inches longer than collarbone-length and very curly (3b hair type) and when I straighten it or when it's wet its down to where a tramp stamp would go if I had one. Curly hair is hella long in most cases when the curls are absent.

graceinsheepwear 33

They should have cut the brush bristles off at the base of the brush with a razor blade or manicure scissors and then you shake or pick the cut bristles out of your hair. Someone didn't think this through.