Cheers, Henry

By Tams - 12/09/2019 12:00 - Canada

Today, my grandma and I went to visit one of her friends. The elderly gentleman told me I'd grown into a very beautiful young woman, to which my grandma replied, "Have you started in on the sherry early this evening, Henry?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 464
You deserved it 130

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Grandma said this to remind that elderly gentleman how inappropriate it is for him to start flirting with a beautiful woman as young as you. I’m absolutely certain this was the only reason and also you should tell yourself that grandma didn’t want to say anything else.

****-blocked by Grandma! Probably screwed up your chance for some GILF action.


Grandma said this to remind that elderly gentleman how inappropriate it is for him to start flirting with a beautiful woman as young as you. I’m absolutely certain this was the only reason and also you should tell yourself that grandma didn’t want to say anything else.

****-blocked by Grandma! Probably screwed up your chance for some GILF action.

And here we have a rare grandma double burn folks!