By Anonymous - 28/10/2012 16:44 - United States

Today, over a family dinner, my husband and I told everyone that I'm pregnant. My father frowned and said, "Again?", my 9-year-old daughter started crying, and her brother smirked and yelled, "Up the ass, no babies!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 050
You deserved it 6 139

Same thing different taste


Well I hope you realize after this little shindig that you probably shouldn't be procreating anymore. Seems like you may not have done the best job your first couple of times...

KiddNYC1O 20
noisebox 1

He's right, that's the Greek birth control method mythology, and the creation of many a happy Back Door Man...

With that kind of response from your father and your child making a comment like that; maybe you shouldn't be having more kids. It doesn't sound like you're doing a good job with the ones you have.

79: this may gross some people out, but that's actually not true at all. i think that anyone who has had unprotected sex knows that sometimes excess semen seeps from the ******. the same is true if it's in the anus, and if neither is paying attention, it is completely possible for that semen to come into contact with the vaginal opening. meaning, it is absolutely possible for a woman to become pregnant that way, though much more unlikely than if they were having 'traditional' sex. you don't need the penis to enter the woman for pregnancy; just the sperm.

The comment by your son makes it apparent you should have NO kids. Great parenting skills.

jarockstar27 10

Great family you hav there....