By Anonymous - 28/10/2012 16:44 - United States

Today, over a family dinner, my husband and I told everyone that I'm pregnant. My father frowned and said, "Again?", my 9-year-old daughter started crying, and her brother smirked and yelled, "Up the ass, no babies!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 050
You deserved it 6 139

Same thing different taste


A. That's awesome B. anything the son says is on the parents so that's your bad but still lol

jazzykinss 1

Good for him I would be pissed to

Why the hell does your daughter have a bf!??She's 9!

Do get youself to the opticians, it says brother, not boyfriend.

nolicnosnhoj 1

59- My horribly behaved/spoiled younger cousins. But OP, I feel a little bad for your daughter. I know the feeling. Maybe you should talk to her.

mariacuciti 1

That's can your son say that?! Smh it's such a shame. But despite what people think congrats because it's a blessing. Good luck

That's so not ok. Let some tears fall and show those bastards how much their comments hurt. They need a lesson in humility and compassion. Also, you and your husband need to figure out who the hell gave your son permission to act like that at a family dinner.

Bludmagnus 13

This FYL includes to things that far too often are found in the same family: A kid that deserves to be spanked and a father that deserves a punch in the mouth.

Your son has been taught well, he knows his shit