By notabeliever - 29/07/2011 05:11 - United States
Same thing different taste
By crapedup - 10/10/2011 23:11 - United States
Cristal mommies
By Anonymous - 12/10/2022 23:00 - United Kingdom - Barking
By Ringless - 25/02/2010 21:47 - United States
By Anonymous - 03/12/2020 22:05 - United Kingdom - Milton Keynes
Low blow
By Anonymous - 09/01/2015 20:16 - United States
In the zone
By Anonymous - 20/08/2023 20:00
By Anonymous - 30/08/2013 21:05 - United States - Utica
By Anonymous - 16/11/2010 02:02 - United States
All scammed out
By Anonymous - 14/06/2015 15:37 - Croatia - Zagreb
By jaxattax - 20/10/2009 20:17 - United States
Top comments
Wonderful... that's one way to put it. I prefer glaringly stupid ^^
husband knows best. ;)
"Healing" Crystals? Dude your wife is on crack
Throw a crab cake at her if you get my riff.
Mehhh she means meth but they only make you feel worse
Yeah. They don't have another rebuttal, so they just resort to doing something such as that.
Chocolate teapot? o_o
you should be glad she threw a piece of the cake and not the whole cake :p
Am I the only one that would flick the piece back? Then make a joke about playing with her food. Meh, maybe it's just me.
a chocolate teapot??? Where have I been all these years?!?????!!!
The words "tofu" and "cake" should never appear next to each other.
i dont think tofu shud appear anywhere xP
I'm a vegetarian and I like tofu !
Don't be hating on tofu. It comes soy beans which is used for soy sauce, and all of you love soy sauce.
167, being a vegetarian is terrible. Honestly it shows that you are weak minded and if times were different, you would not survive. I hope my comment makes you mad. - love, Liberals Everywhere
haha geez know your childhood songs better!
im a chocolate tea pot and I'm three inches bigger then the other teapots here is my handle=====================> here is my spout. penis.
ow you got owned #52
who the **** are you married to?
oh your so ******* mature
you're* :-p
@ 20: Aha, now I get it. OP told his wife that she bought crap and she got mad. Keep up the good work, OP! You get my blessings.
50- Why? She's right.
Tofu cake? magic healing crystals? Homeopathic remedies? Who buys stuff like that
hah good old Barbra Streisand
hey :) message me
message me ;)
Wiccans for one
Hippie! Wiccan! But seriously your wife sounds awesome and your a fat ass for suggesting a chocolate teapot. Done :)
OP didn't do anything. The wife is saying that instead of wasting her money on that stuff she would have been better off buying a chocolate teapot instead
Yeah I reread it after I posted and realized that. 4:30 AM and tired.
Since when are "Hippie" and "Wiccan" interchangeable?
Just because tofu gets mentioned, doesn't mean vegans are involved.
people don't buy tofu for the taste. if they do, they fail life.
Sorry people, but homeopathic remedies are just things found in nature that actually do sometimes help. You guys want to trust the things that man made? Good luck with that, but if you live in the US, you should know that the FDA is the Real scam!! Educate yourselves, ~knowledge is power~
#117 You must be pretty powerless then. Most homeopathic solutions are so diluted the chances of them having even a molecule of what they are supposed to have is less then .00001%. Homeopathy is a sham.
#117 You must be pretty powerless then. Most homeopathic solutions are so diluted the chances of them having even a molecule of what they are supposed to have is less then .00001%. Homeopathy is a sham.
homeopathic remedies and alternative medicine are the scam here. same as god or any higher being whose excistance cant be proven. go look up 'storm' by Tim Minchin. also, sorry for any miss-spelling or grammatical errors. im only fifteen. but if you plan on arguing with me, dont use my age as a defense.
How did homeopathy and higher powers make it into the same arguement? You can easily prove or disprove whether homeopathy actually works. You can not prove or disprove higher powers with the scientific method.
im going to be a new age healer one day, and science has PROVEN that the human body vibrates on certain levels, and crystals vibrate on seperate, higher levels. different crystals vibrate on different levels, and the different levels can help different problems like, deppression, headaches, skeletal problems, body aches. they can also help increase focus, and open your chakras (which for you skeptics, chakras has allso been scientifically proven.) so please, tell me science has proven me wrong, i dare you. =)
sorry:) they always end up in the same arguments for me, so it's kind of an automatic thing to include god.
You obviously have no idea what science is. Anyway, if it happens so slowly and in such small amounts, it could easily be 1) someone naturally getting better, because that's something that's ACTUALLY scientifically proven to happen, or 2) a placebo. Seeing as you're so convinced that real science has proven alternative medicine, feel free to point out examples of papers and studies and such. I actually remember reading about a girl who pretty much disproved a major concept of alternative medicine at age 9. She had a bunch of practitioners/"psychics" try to determine whether she was holding her hand over their left hand or their right when their hands were placed through a divider so that they couldn't actually see hers. Based on the idea that they can detect and manipulate "vibrations" or "energies" to cure the sick, they should have known exactly where her hand was. Not only did they fail at figuring out which hand hers was near (I think they got something like slightly less than 50% on average, which a normal person or a coin flip could easily do), they couldn't even tell whether her hand was there at all. So it really is utter crap, especially considering that it's only one of many studies on alternative medicine that have proven it wrong. Please, PLEASE don't waste your time and money when you could ACTUALLY help people. Get a degree in medicine or donate to a charity, don't just wave your hands around people commending them to be healthy!
Ok then, so explain how it works. How does a vibration cure depression. Give us all the details! Cite sources! Don't be shy. Surely you've done a lot of research in this field, so give us a clear explanation of how a bloody "vibration" or "energy" can fix things, because if you actually bothered to use your brain you'd realize that it would either have little to no effect on a person or have an equal chance of helping AND hurting them. You stupid waste of space.
HarHarHar learn before you talk, you clearly don't know what homeopathic medicine is.
Okay, the body has an energy field around it. When there is an inbalance in the energy field, or aura, it will cause, deppression, always being tired, or having insomnia, stomach aches, headaches, etc... A new age healer can use different forms of healing such as, crystal healing, reiki, using herbs to make sauves or elixers, etc.. It can heal them right away, or a couple hours or maybe a day or two. And to your "psychics are bullshit" statement, there have been research shkwing when psychics tune in, they go from alpha waves to beta or delta. Psychics are real.
All you're showing is that "psychics" go into a kind of trance/change the levels of activity in their brains. Anyone can do that, and it has no effect on your surroundings. How do you explain the fact that the "psychics" were unable to locate the girl's "aura" then? Where is your scientific evidence for auras? Or evidence that auras cause depression, illness, etc? I always thought that depression and illness were caused by chemical imbalances and microbes, silly me. It honestly sounds like you're making stuff up when you talk about auras/energies/whatever as though they're scientific fact without referring to studies. I could do that. I believe that depression and illness occur when the Flying Spaghetti Monster's invisible noodly appendages get tangled around your soul. Doesn't that sound totally legit? Now I'm going to sell you water and claim that it can magically untangle the soul-noodles, and I'm definitely not just trying to take your money.
184 - Maybe because it's not real and not supported by science, and it's hard to define and measure something fictional. OR because as soon as one claim about alternative medicine is proven to be wrong, people come up with like five new ones. OR because I wasn't talking about homeopathic stuff when I mentioned the girl's study. The "locating the aura" thing doesn't have to do with homeopathic medicine (even though that's fake as well,) it has to do with the idea behind "vibrating crystals" which were also mentioned in this FML.
196 - Ugh, my comment didn't post, so I'll just summarize. Auras aren't scientifically proven to exist. "Bad auras" don't cause depression, sleep disorders, or illness, chemical imbalances, microbes, etc. do. Brain waves just show how much activity is going on in the brain, but they don't affect other people (if they did, why haven't we figured out how to communicate psychically or mastered telekinesis yet?) Anyone can go into a "trance", which is pretty much what you described. You did not address the girl's study in which "psychics" were unable to locate the girl's "aura." You did not give any examples of studies that have shown that alternative medicine has any effect on a sick person that is neither a placebo effect or the person naturally getting better.
I'd be telling her to pack her shit and get out. what a weirdo.
So because the stuff she bought for herself doesn't work she gets mad at you? -_- I'll never understand women
Wait, I don't get it. SHE bought a bunch of useless things, then SHE starts complaining that she could have bought something more usefull with that money and then SHE throws cake at you, who didn't did a thing wrong. Strange world do you live in.
Oh I read it wrong too then. I thought she realized she bought useless crap and got mad at OP
I think Op might have said what he said in a condescending way and that's why his wife got mad
u guys didnt read it wrong.. the way its written, thts wut it suggests
You married a fruity loop congrats. Does she try and raise the dead? Put salt around your bed? Watch too much supernatural? Did she finish school or listen?
Tofu cake? magic healing crystals? Homeopathic remedies? Who buys stuff like that
Chocolate teapot? o_o