By Anonymous - 16/11/2010 02:02 - United States

Today, my wife and I had one of the biggest arguments we've ever had, which resulted in her leaving, going to her parents' house and calling me twice, screaming and sobbing. The argument was over a seven dollar bottle of wine. Apparently, she was "saving it for a special occasion." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 343
You deserved it 5 253

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thisgirl2u 9

Perhaps she was emotional and this was just the "straw that broke the camels back." Maybe She's been holding some serious anger issues inside for a long time.. like you always leave the toilet seat up and your clothes never make it into the hamper and you're just not the man she thought she married.. so Like any rational women upset and miserable with her life she takes it on you when you least suspect it.. you know like over a cheap bottle of wine.. ;-)


that specail ocasion, is when she actually gets an ******(my English sucks)

you should of just topped it up with your piss, with a $7 bottle of wine I doubt you would be able to tell the difference.

I did not say 1st btw.I said something vulgar. that's all.I hate people who say first.

yeah... get a $100 bottle of wine for her to save. And I'm sure the argument probably escalated bc u were being a dick like "so ****** what its a stupid bottle of cheap wine" so make sure to apologize.

thriceforme 3

I'm a woman, so I'm going against the grain here because I guess I'm supposed to stick up for my gender, but I'd tell her to stay at her parents for a while and see if her mother can read her a bedtime story. She acted like a child over a $7 bottle of wine and deserves to now be treated like one.

Just say to her, "And I was saving this one hundred dollar wine bottle for the next time you acted like a child. Perfect timing considering I just bought it yesterday". She might start crying hysterically if you say that, or she might grow up. Take the risk.

silly people thinking they are cats OT: did u drink the wine when she left?

are you serious 2???? I know of some girls who dress up like cats everyday maybe you guys should make buddy=)

22cute 17

It takes two people to argue OP. Why don't you just appologise and shut up.

She may have overreacted, yes, but not all women overreact, just like not every man is going to be collected and laid back. There will always be extremes, but your statement is a poor assumption.

ZoroFresh 0
PurplePigeon 0

no redblugreen has a point. men flip shit when girls assume they "know" them, so men shouldn't think they "know" women. the wife is a bit dramatic here though.

overreacted indeed, but the price tag doesent mean anything. maybe it was actually really important to her, and the guy didn't care because it was so cheap. he doesent listen to her initial pleas, so a full-blown argument begins.

RedPillSucks 31

She may have overreacted, but he seems to be willing to risk his marriage on a $7 bottle of wine. Rather than be pridefull, he should have figured out how to make it up to her.

News flash: This argument wasn't really about the wine.

Unless its not about $7 but 7 inches...

What if that 7 dollar wine was from somewhere special to her? What if it was from the first place they went on a date? Or the store her grandma used to love? You never know. I have cheap stuff that have sentimental value. Don't assume.

ChrisMora 16

That's plausible, but how do we know the husband knew how special it was to her? He could have opened it thinking it was just a cheap bottle of wine. There's too little information, so only assumptions can be made.

Maybe OP is a hobo..with a hobo wife, so that bottle must have costed a "fortune".

22cute 17

Or maybe Op is an alcoholic and drinks everything in the house. Maybe the argument was never about $7 at all. Maybe the $7 wine issue is the red herring Op used to maintain his denial?? Why do we always assume the Op is right when it doesn't make sense?

Aa bottle of wine with sentemental value?

You should be grateful for that wine, i can't afford it, in fact I just stick a piece of paper on a water bottle with " wine" written on,

FYLDeep 25

Just fill it with grape juice. Same difference.

But grape juice is pricey. Water is cheaper. I do the same. It makes me happy.

Water is expensive, use tears. Or, better yet, vodka.

Water is not expensive. The only cost involved is a bucket. And do what I do and pop to your neighbours front gardens and fill said bucket up with their water. Repeat daily.

Maybe I don't have the necessary funding for a bucket. o_O

omg! give your wife the seven dollars for another one....hell, give her fourteen and she can get two.....and tell her to quit her blubbering!

thisgirl2u 9

Perhaps she was emotional and this was just the "straw that broke the camels back." Maybe She's been holding some serious anger issues inside for a long time.. like you always leave the toilet seat up and your clothes never make it into the hamper and you're just not the man she thought she married.. so Like any rational women upset and miserable with her life she takes it on you when you least suspect it.. you know like over a cheap bottle of wine.. ;-)


I agree, if she's not a completely psycho, there must be an underlying reason for the outburst. my guess is that she feels you don't listen to her. did she tell u beforehand that she didn't want u to drink the wine?

Yeah, The husband is a douche for fighting over a $7 bottle of wine... and blaming his wife for fighting over a $7 bottle of wine... and failing to see the irony.

Maybe this is what happens when you marry for looks or for sex and overlook the fact that she is unstable. It won't get better. RUN AWAY!!!!

well if that is the case, she should have spoken about about each issue when they arose. not holding it all in and letting it build up, causing her to go off like a crazy woman upset over a $7 bottle of wine.

perhaps she does speak out over every issue but her voice falls on deaf ears and he never listens so she cant stand it anymore.

16- I am in much agreement with you on this one. It probably was just the final straw in a long line of douchebaggery things you have been, intentionally or otherwise, doing throughout your marriage. there is no way the fight was JUST about that, at least to her. figure out what else you did to truly piss her off. :

oh I understand now. her husband is a douche, and over the years has driven her to the drink. resulting in her alcoholism which is why she over reacted about the cheap wine which was saved for a "special occasion". ok, it makes sense now :p

hahaha thisgirl, when I read your comment I thought "that's typical virgo choice of words", and your birthdate confirmed that for me :p

random but midgetmonster you're ******* hot

As much as I agree that this probably wasn't about the wine at all, I don't think it's necessarily all the man's fault. I despise the games people play in relationships, this example being a case of not-fighting-the-battle-at-hand. This relationship obviously has huge communication issues and is in dire need of a hypothetical kick in the ass or counseling.

Totally agree with the squirrel on this one, except for maybe the counseling bit. If they can get their heads together and put the emotions aside, they can probably figure out that more is in play here and running away to Mommy and Daddy isn't going to help at all. Of course, lots of people do need counseling to get even that far, but it's not necessarily imperitive. I'm not anti-counseling at all; Mr. D and I have found it helpful in the past. But this could just be one of those "learning how to be married and how to fight healthily" things.

Sober1128 9

62 - you're not married are you? You can tell a man something 10X that's upsetting you...they will not change it till they get damn good and ready.

Sober1128 9
rttr 18

Like any rational women? No, rational women don't act crazy.