Low blow

By Anonymous - 09/01/2015 20:16 - United States

Today, I tried baking my own bread to save food money. Unfortunately I screwed it up, prompting my wife to look at me pityingly and say "Wow, can't get even bread to rise." before walking out. I have erectile dysfunction, and she constantly insults me like this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 871
You deserved it 3 978

Same thing different taste

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Astrum14 24

You should inform her that there is a major psychological aspect to erectile dysfunction. If you're constantly worried about getting it up, you'll have a more difficult time getting it up. Comments like that will just make it worse.


I read it as more of a joke, but obviously I'm not OP. I'd at least like to think she doesn't mean it in a super-harmful way.

tayymeds 23
incoherentrmblr 21

Time to find some friends to hangout with more often...

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Constantly insults are NOT funny. Get a sense of humor, #116. OP, you need to tell her how you feel about those comments.

Erectile Dysfunction is NOT something to laugh at. That is probably the worst thing you can do to a guy.

Some things you just don't joke about.

It's always funny when it's aimed at someone else.

#123, I'm pretty sure cancer or AIDS is worse than erectile dysfunction

Astrum14 24

You should inform her that there is a major psychological aspect to erectile dysfunction. If you're constantly worried about getting it up, you'll have a more difficult time getting it up. Comments like that will just make it worse.

Maybe she's sexually frustrated and OP won't go to a doctor to see if there's anything that can help fix or improve his situation? Not saying her insults aren't nasty and uncalled for but maybe that's her twisted way of pushing him over the edge to finally do something about it? My brother-in-laws has a thyroid problem that kills his libido plus a doctor phobia! That leaves my sister in the shit out of luck category when it comes to sex! She's always crabby!

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Why not? You're speculating to make her seem like a horrible person.

69, she's clearly demonstrating that she's not that great of a person. If your significant other has performance issues and you constantly mock that person and use those issues as a way to belittle them, you sort of suck as a person. She should have enough decency to know that it's a sensitive issue, and as such, should know better than to use those issues as a way to make someone feel bad about themselves.

sweetnsourrr 11

She's insulting him constantly, that doesn't sound like a good person to me. You cant expect people to care about your problems when cant even care for theirs.Its a very selfish thing to do...

"Comments like that will just make it" harder?

@17 I have a phobia of doctors too, I thought I was the only one! Other people have a phobia of spiders or snakes (both of which I think are cool) but I have to have a fear of doctors. It sucks to be terrified of someone who's supposed to help you; I know it's irrational but it doesn't stop me from having panic attacks when I have to see a doctor. It's been that way since I was a little girl.

The problem with online submissions is that we only get a small part of the story. We don't know that the OP doesn't insult her (or worse) constantly, all we got was this one tidbit about her. Often people victimize themselves, so you're quickly jumping to the conclusion that she's a horrible person but she may in reality be retaliating to something the OP does.

Honestly though, when she married you, she should have married while being aware of all the things that come with erectile dysfunction. Assuming she knew before marriage, she's in no position to insult and be bitter to you like that now.

Not necessarily. They could have married young, and this problem may have only arose recently. Whatever the case if you love someone you don't put them down.

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She should rather help you with medical treatment and not insult you. Insults do not help.

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#15, maybe sending #4 a private message and asking would be better, since it's not related to the post.

Your comeback should have been "you aren't helping either"!!

'i don't actually have erectile dysfunction. you juss a ugly bitch!'

or tell her, "this only happens around you, i get hard like concrete for my girlfriend"

Maybe instead of the cheap shots she can help you rise to the occasion.

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I would argue that the phrasing was quite fitting.

Or #59 it could have been an intentional pun. That does happen around here from time to time.

XxXBadAshXxX 27

That's really rude of her. You need support through that, not negativity.

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She's not a "bitch" or "rude", she's outright abusive, which is worse. I'd say talk to a counselor about it, but unfortunately, I'm not sure anyone will take it seriously because you happen to be a man and she happens to be a woman. So good luck finding someone who's able to look past your genders. And yeah, it's not like it's the worst abuse out there - but it's the little abuses that are the most poisonous, from personal experience.

Easily the best advice yet and so true. You will never be taken seriously as a male abuse victim and the legal system/mental health system will never treat you fairly. Sorry OP

Especially from people who you care about a lot