By Grindyloo - 05/05/2012 10:06

Today, my turtle, who had a little portion of the garden all to herself, died. My 5-year-old nephew wanted to "be like Mario" by jumping on her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 407
You deserved it 2 820

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Be like a flower and chuck fire at her

Actually, it didn't die. It escaped in time and left another turtle in its place, for it was a ninja. And a mutant. And a teenager.


Envythabosslady 1

Awww that sucks op. U will have to explain the difference between reality and video games.

That sucks, OP. Someone better teach him that animals are actually living, breathing beings, just like him. The sooner the better. :|

linkinpark98 23

I had a turtle, and the same thing happened to it, too. :( My turtle's name was Franklin! :D

OMG I would have beat the shit out of that kid. Well not literally but he would have gotten his butt popped a few times. That is so wrong and sad! I had a pet turtle and she died of old age, but it was still sad. The fact that this stupid kid jumped on it intentionally because of a video game? Another example of bad parenting and why some people shouldn't breed - they don't watch their kids and don't teach them anything. They let them get away with everything because they don't want to get slapped with a child abuse lawsuit. I am so sorry about your turtle OP, I hope you spank the brat and tell his parents. And if they don't do something, you should.

the kid didnt know! he's 5! kids make mistakes, im not saying it's right that he jumped on the turtle, but that doesn't mean that the kid has bad parents! Jesus, he's 5 years old, yes it was wrong, but just tell him not to do that again, maybe give a little tap on the bum and move on from it, not what you're saying to do.

malteser_fml 2

even my 3 year old cousin knows that jumping on an animal is bad...

Yes, jumping on animals is bad. im not saying that the kid is innocent, cause he's not, but what this person is saying isn't right. it's not the parents fault, for one, and another, the kid shouldnt be "beaten". just make the kid have a time-out or something.

fireflygirl13 0

Just cause hes 5 doesnt make him not a evil murderer.

it still doesnt mean he should be beaten! thats what im getting at! i said he's not innocent, but he should not be beaten. no body should be beaten.

linkinpark98 23

My face after reading this FML: D:

eyecon502 13
jujubunni5 9

That's so sad ): put a mushroom hat on him and jump on him

FYL, OP - your nephew is a brat and needs some serious discipline. Though if your "turtle" lived in the garden it was actually a tortoise. Turtles are marine reptiles, meaning they live in water and generally only come onto land to lay their eggs. Tortoises are land reptiles, and terrapins are happy either way - which is why they always look like they're smiling :) Oh, and 11, love the Balotelli reference :) I guess we should be glad the kid wasn't near any fireworks...