By Grindyloo - 05/05/2012 10:06

Today, my turtle, who had a little portion of the garden all to herself, died. My 5-year-old nephew wanted to "be like Mario" by jumping on her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 407
You deserved it 2 820

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Be like a flower and chuck fire at her

Actually, it didn't die. It escaped in time and left another turtle in its place, for it was a ninja. And a mutant. And a teenager.


fireflygirl13 0

He is evil. Someone should jump on him and see how he feels

TTEmeraldRaven 3

I have a turtle living in my garden as well. I'll be sure not to let my niece or nephew near her. I'm deeply sorry for your loss. :'(

Your nephew has a prob in differentiating between fiction and reality, might wanna take him to the psychiatrist!! Sorry about your turtle, may she R.I.P. :'(

w_robrecht 1

Having an imagination at the age of 5 doesn't mean he has difficulty telling the difference between fiction and reality

sohigh10 34

but stomping on and murdering turtles has nothing to do with imagination.

Xxlaurahatakexx 9

I am so sorry:( that's terrible

kiakia0131 23

This is the saddest FML I have read in a long time. Poor turtle. :'(

Omg!!! That's so rude!! And everyone is making jokes out of this ? -__- wow

Torturing small animals is a sign of a sociopath in the making. Even at 5 a child should be able to recognize that jumping on an animal will harm it, and should be able to distinguish between a video game and real life. OP, talk to your nephews parents about this. Maybe he is not ready to be playing video games if he doesn't understand right and wrong. Sorry about your turtle.