By aviationgeek - 18/05/2016 18:18 - United States - Bothell

Today, as a Uber driver, a passenger requested a ride at 5:30 a.m. so he could go a half block to the McDonald's drive thru and back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 959
You deserved it 2 490

aviationgeek tells us more.

Op here. the guy didn't tip or offer to buy me any food. it was a $3 fare.

Top comments

Well you got paid didn't you? And you did sign up for that "job" didn't you?

I am also an Uber driver... I've totally had this happen to me too! I don't mind it, usually I get free food, and get paid and sometimes tipped on top of it.


Well, did he buy you some and tip? If he did, win-win!

it still cost money for gas to drive over there

Well you got paid didn't you? And you did sign up for that "job" didn't you?

SauceySarah 30

Why did you put job in quotes? That's a little condescending, don't you think? Being an Uber driver is a perfectly acceptable occupation if that's what you're looking for in a job.

CrassKal 27

I think he is referring to the fact that drivers select a "job" available on the app. They know where the people want to go before agreeing to drive them there.

I think the OP meant this not as a **** /their/ life so much as a **** humanity for its extreme laziness type of story.

I don't know, at 5:30 in the morning I wouldn't feel like walking half a block either, although I probably would.

I am also an Uber driver... I've totally had this happen to me too! I don't mind it, usually I get free food, and get paid and sometimes tipped on top of it.

I've done this, I tipped the guy and got him food, I mean it is his job to drive

If he walked up on his own, he would be refused service for not being in a car. What do you expect?

anlong93 9

At the McDonald's where I used to work, if the lobby was closed, we would have to accept walk-up customers. We got a lot of truckers in the middle of the night, and can't expect them to maneuver their rigs around the drive-thru. Regardless, it is OP's job, and it wasn't a ridiculous request, so I don't really see what's wrong here.

yea it's not a bad thing to accept walk up customer but the reason most fast food restraints don't allow it is cause people have been hit by drunk drivers in drive thru. Fast food is prime territory for drinks and drunk drivers

redheadco 6

In the inside wasn't open then you need a car to go through the drive through

drayloon 50

Hey, it's not like he woke you up or anything, you were looking for someone to move. Also I'd bet you got paid a decent amount considering the briefness of the trip lol

It's your job to take taxi fares. You get paid for it.