By deadfish - 03/10/2009 16:28 - United States

Today, my 9 year-old little sister is coming back to town with the rest of my family. She specifically asked me to feed her fish. I totally forgot until she called me 10 minutes ago to tell me she was on her way home and couldn't wait to see her fishie. He's dead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 353
You deserved it 61 679

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Put fishie in a little coffin, and put on your best black suit. Decorate the house like a funeral parlor and when she gets home you can tell her how brave and heroic fishie was, and now it is time to honor his memory. Make up some stupid story about fishie trying to save the house from burglars, how he scared them away but was mortally wounded in the fight. If she was stupid enough to trust you with feeding her fish, she'll be stupid enough to believe your story.

Get off the internet and go buy the stupid fish!


coldplaylive2003 0

Ok don't panic this is waht you have to do 1. Take the fish out if the tank carefully 2. Preheat the oven 3. Put the fish in and bake until it's golden brown 4. Enjoy then go to the pet store and get your sister a new fish

the_stereotype 0

i didn't get that joke until i got to the last line. very funny, #11

REPLACE IT, though the cooking idea is good too.

FerSureBomb 0

OR! do steps 1-3, but give it to your sister, "Honey, I hope you enjoy the the way, I'm going to run to the pet store for a few minutes."

lizzilla8297 2

then go and buy a new one! don't just sit here on your computer!

YouCantBreakMe 9

OR you could tell her the truth. HAHAHAHA jk jk. That's a stupid idea, just tell her it died of natural causes.

Herropreez17 0

You should've remembered, but surely it won't be too hard to replace? But I guess you're running out of time!

You should get her a new fish. One that does tricks.

Get off the internet and go buy the stupid fish!

Totally agree. Replace it, if it means that much to her. She won't notice the difference. Or, admit your mistake and face your shame.

Go to the store and buy a new one. If you don't have time to go there and back before she gets home, take the dead one when you go to the store and tell your sister, you took fishie for a walk.

Put fishie in a little coffin, and put on your best black suit. Decorate the house like a funeral parlor and when she gets home you can tell her how brave and heroic fishie was, and now it is time to honor his memory. Make up some stupid story about fishie trying to save the house from burglars, how he scared them away but was mortally wounded in the fight. If she was stupid enough to trust you with feeding her fish, she'll be stupid enough to believe your story.

'If she was stupid enough to trust you with feeding her fish, she'll be stupid enough to believe your story.' Brilliant XD

the_stereotype 0

sooo true although, if the OP was lazy enough not to take care of a fish, she'd probably be too lazy to carry it out.

Sun_Kissed18 25
cryssycakesx3 22

I'd love you to be the father of my children.

fringle 0

YDI! A fish should be valued as life as much as a cat or dog. I hate when people say, "it's just a fish buy another". Would you like it if they said, "it's just a human. there's billions more where that came from"

OrangeGlo 0

No, I would not like that, because animals can't talk and I would be freaked out.

And there is a HUGE difference between cats and dogs and fish: Fish are delicious.

OrangeGlo 0

Have you had Chinese food? Dogs and cats are also delicious.

If humans were as lame, stupid and pointless as fish I probably wouldn't care.

Clearly, you haven't seen THIS fish:

DONT ******* GO ON THAT WEBSITE. HOLY SHIT. dude those shock sites are really pissing me off... but you totally got me.

PlasmaWafflez 0

Thanks asshole, I was eating. I hope someone mutilates your penis.

xenomorph 0

Think of something you like and Google for images of it. Eye bleach FTW.