By Nikki - 03/08/2009 13:26 - United States

Today, I was baby sitting my little cousin when we decided to go outside and have a "treasure hunt" in the backyard. The first thing we found? The bones of her pet dog that had passed away four years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 277
You deserved it 5 696

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm presuming it was buried and I'm guessing her parents wouldn't have appreciated you digging up their yard regardless. What were you hoping to find? Worms or just more mud? You suck at treasure hunts.


awwwww that sucks! poor little girl is gonna be traumatized-

i have to agree with her on that i would be after seeing my died dog for 4 years corpse in my hands ehhhhh

Ouchh. what were you expecting to find?

I'm presuming it was buried and I'm guessing her parents wouldn't have appreciated you digging up their yard regardless. What were you hoping to find? Worms or just more mud? You suck at treasure hunts.

manoverboard 0

Wasn't there an FML like this a while ago? But OP, that musta been one traumatized kid after that...

thecrazed7 0

YDI having a for having a cousin whose dog died.

How the hell does that mean it's OP's fault? You fail at life.

All dislikes have no sense of sarcasm and probably Have no social skills and neck beards

That's what I was going to say--don't ******* TELL the kid "Oh hey--we've dug up your dog!", tell 'em it's a fricking dinosaur or neighbor or something.

right... cuz than he thinks hes a millionaire gets false hope goes and buys a cow on credit and when he finds out it was actually his dog, he will get his cow to stomp on you, that's a bad idea

...You have that idea entirely too well thought-out. Have you or a loved one purchased cows with credit before?

personally, and unfortuantly I have not, but I'm just saying hes probably a smart kid, and if I found some dinosaur bones in my backyard, I would realize what a gold mine it was and probably go and buy a cow, and the guy selling it would realize it was a gold mine as well and be happy to sell it to me on credit because he knew i would be good for it because he dinosaur bones don't come around everyday. I think thats what any smart kid would do, and like i said this kid seems like a smart kid

9k5 0

Why a cow, though? Of all things you could buy... A COW?

deaditegirl 0

YDI for digging up someone else's yard. People generally tend not to like that.

sireen 0

that's so sad :( you shouldn't be digging in someone elses yard anyway.

If you managed to "dig" up the bones of their dead dog, I am guessing they weren't buried that deep then. :/

HahaYDI 0

F the cousin's life, not yours. And 11th