By Okay - 31/10/2009 15:59 - United States

Today, my sister had her first kiss. She was very excited and she told me all about it. She then asked me to tell her about the first time I kissed a guy, what it was like, who it was with, etc. I had to make one up. I have never been kissed before. My sister is 6 years younger than me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 771
You deserved it 6 116

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So what if she's 6 years younger than you. Why lie about something so trivial? That's far more lame than not being kissed yet. And I find it strange that you felt the need to mention that you're 6 years older than her but did not specify your age. So if she's 13 and just had her first kiss, that would only make you 19 and still young enough to not make it a big deal. Trust me, there are far more horrible things in life to worry about than a first kiss. Don't worry yourself about it!

Tomorrow, when she's sobbing into her pillow because the jackass kissed someone else, you'll be thankful.


I know how you feel, I'm 18(!!) and never been kissed.. I know.. I'm pathetic.. ps. don't go writing stupid things about me.

It happens at a different time for everyone, there's no point in comparing. Plus, my first kiss was only for the sake of kissing, you can tell that wasn't romantic.

My first kiss was on the night of my 18th birthday. It was a pretty horrible and sloppy kiss. I have only been with a couple of other guys, but nevertheless i have improved :D Don't worry so much about not having been kissed yet - it'll happen when you least expect it!

People care too much about first kisses. I think mine was on the jungle gym when I was thirteen. Second person was on some fair ride, and so on. I'm not with any of these people now, and I barely remember them. It's not when or how you get your first kiss, it's the first kiss with the person who is always going to matter that really should count.

star_ver 0

Amen, RBG. Very well said :D.

I like the term "last first kiss" to describe the one that really matters. :3

I don't think you're pathetic at all! Lipginity is hard to keep, you've done Well!

Mata_Hari 0

Why is that such a big deal? I personally don't give a crap about my first kiss, when it happens it happens. Sad that you lied about something so lame, but still.

hi guys, i dont think OP is ugly .. i think she's normal. She just wants her 1st kiss with the PERFECT man, and not a only guy in high school not serious. She wants it to be different and real. Its great ppl like that, loving theirself, not kissing anyone at a party !! PROPSSS OP!!

yes, props to the OP apart from the lying.

Agreed. I was 15 when I had my first kiss, 21 when I had my second, and 30 before I was in my first real relationship. I admire people who willingly admit that they are waiting for the right time with the right person, rather than those who kiss or make out or **** just for the sake of having done it. Nothing wrong with having standards.

ThUrSdAy13th 0

who would want their first kiss with the PERFECT man?!?! sounds like OCD. it's just a kiss, not a big deal. when you're young you should try and meet lots of people, and kiss them too! theres time to find who you really want

katiedoll6 7

Ya I'm 13 and a lot of my friends are going out on dates and kissing and I'm sitting on my laptop listing to Mumford and sons but want to wait for it to mean something to me. So I will wait I will wait for youuuuuuuuu!

I'm 21 and I've never been kissed. Don't feel bad :)

Funny, I've never punched a brick wall before. My cousin did it already and he's ten years younger than me. Guess my life is F'ed too.

As someone who has punched a brick wall AND kissed a girl, I can tell you those two things aren't very comparable at all.

I was being sarcastic too because I would think it obvious that punching a wall and kissing someone aren't even in the same sport, let alone the same ballpark. I guess it lost some of its minty sarcasticness traveling through the intertubes.

It depends how old your sister is, how much of an FML this is. If she's like 10 it's not really that bad. If she's 16, yeah, FYL.

wowimnotaklutz 0

thats not a bad thing, its ok :) im not gonna say i know how it feels because (im not bragging or anything i swear) i have been kissed, but im glad i waited for the time that i did. there were chances for me to have my first kiss before i did, but nobody wants to remember their first kiss in a game of spin the bottle or because of a dare. wait until that perfect someone comes along, and let it be something to remember :) something to tell the kids right? lol

victory25 0

I know how u feel, I have the same problem. But here's  to it not lasting for much longer for folks like us!!

strength413 8

the ratio of people who have never been kissed who comment on FML is quite staggering.

white_heron 0

I didn't get my first kiss till very recently. I'm 18 and I remember that even though I always told myself it didn't matter and I didn't care there were times I really did. Luckily, I knew someone in college, 20-something, also never-been-kissed so I did have a source of strength/reason. Still I remember as a counselor in training at girls scout camp 2 campers I don't know how stupidly young gossiping about a friend who still was nbk and it was both disgusting and embarrassing--I know how you feel. You are beautiful. You will find someone. Be happy for your sister, but also be happy for yourself. :)