By shitfaced - 18/09/2015 17:30 - Netherlands - Sassenheim

Today, I kissed my girlfriend for the first time. She recoiled in horror and asked if someone had taken a shit in my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 663
You deserved it 9 506

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you might want to either a)brush your teeth more than once a day or b) invest in some gum.

That was rude but how bad was your breath that she said that?


you might want to either a)brush your teeth more than once a day or b) invest in some gum.

Yeah, I'd suggest both. If his breath really is the problem then it would take more than gum just to fix that up.

He needs to learn to clean his tongue as well.

That was rude but how bad was your breath that she said that?

A07 48

You might want to invest in a good mouth wash and some breath mints, FYL op.

IAmzephyr 22

YDI though if he doesn't keep up with proper hygiene

Maybe you have tonsil stones, or a cavity? Terribly sorry, OP, that must've been mortifying. But maybe make an appointment with a doctor or dentist, in case something is wrong, beyond just needing to brush teeth.

Also brush your tongue when brushing your teeth. Helps with bad breath. Mouthwash after makes a perfect combo. Hopefully you can get it worked out OP.

She was already your girlfriend before you even kissed? That's kinda cute, although pretty uncommon I think. I hope your following kisses won't be that awkward, you might want to get the source of that bad breath checked out (unless your hygiene is really bad, it's pretty likely it comes from a disease).

OP needs to reevaluate his oral hygiene, and go see a Dr to see if somethings wrong.

Since when does being in a relationship automatically mean you're kissing and/or getting intimate? This girl I work with just left her baby daddy and she was saying last night she has 3 dates lined up and has to try out each dick...i mean personally, I like to get to know someone at least a little bit.

Right. I've never kissed someone prior to dating them. haha. I technically got engaged before having made out with my husband.

Most people are dating before they first kiss......

Who the **** kisses before they start dating?

my first kiss with my boyfriend was 3 months after we started dating.

AnyaS 19

I had sex with my boyfriend before my first kiss with him (several years ago).

I wouldn't want to experience something like that, so F*** your girlfriend's life too.

At least she was honest about it, rather have that then she avoiding kisses you ever again and never telling you the problem. Buy some mouth wash and brush your teeth three times a day.