Party blues

By Anonymous - 29/11/2009 06:33 - United States

Today, I made out with a guy that I had just met at a party. It was my first kiss. I don't know what's worse, the fact that my first kiss is at the age of 23, or the fact that I saw him making out with a different girl later on in the night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 259
You deserved it 16 682

Same thing different taste

Top comments

coffee_addict7 0

If that bothers you, then why did you choose to have your first kiss with a guy you just met? What did you expect?

Kingdutch 3

Poor you, should've known better at a party though.


Wait, so to put this right, its your first time having sex. And so yeah its worse that you was a virgin for that long, then seeing the guy make out with someone else because he was drunk and thats what all guys do. But anyway stop quivelling over this and make me a damn sammich girl!! Thankyou

waterynuggets 0

#11 You = old meme. You push on doors that say pull, don't ya

Wow am i the only human that hasn't a clue what this guy just typed out??

Well at least you didn't have a choice that your first kiss was with him. oh wait Didn't mean to reply to this comment oh well

i_love_you143 0

okay why is that guy saying it was your first time having sex wtf? but awee that's cutee :) i thought i was old having my first kiss at15 when half the grade had already lost their virginity but i guess not :) lol. but really, good for you i'm happy for you. &&the other girl thing.. sorry but you can't expect a guy to stick with you if you only hooked up once

Unregistered 0

wow you must be REALLY socially awkward around the opposite sex if you cant even get a guy to kiss you until the age of 23 (let alone you were both probably drunk) so to the OP i recommend going to night schools on how to improve your interactions witht he opposite sex

Yes you are because you are a huge idiot. Please do us all a favor and die pleb.

waterynuggets 0

Maybe if you pull your head out of your ass you'd understand something besides your tired diatribe of sexist trolling.

Maybe she didn't WANT to kiss a guy until now. Maybe she's had other things to focus on until now, like, hmm, education? A job? Bettering herself? Maybe she didn't want to engage in drunken, adolescent slobbering like everyone else seems to go for these days.

ThUrSdAy13th 0

a kiss before 23 is not drunken adolescent slobbering. i see you have faith in the next generation.

So youre ugly and a ****? ..I still cant figure out how that happens

crazyladydaisy 4

No, what's worse is you whored around at a party and made out with a guy you just met. Idc if it was your first or not, that doesn't change the fact that you didn't know the dude. So YDI.

honest to god hope you're kidding right now...

Kingdutch 3

Poor you, should've known better at a party though.

Leward 0
muahzzbaybee 0

you shouldnt have been kissing him in the first place. he was probably drunk and had no idea who you where, and if your at a party you should defiantly take note to who you lock lips with because you can get mono or something like that. you dont know for sure if he shared drinks with people who had other diseases that could have been easily spread to you

Tch, I wouldn't be making out with a stranger either. I'm almost eighteen and I have yet to experience my first kiss, and I am actually pretty glad. Anyway, #6 has a point. The guy could have had a cold sore or something. Getting herpes during your first kiss would definitely suck.

ChuckNorrisBeard 0

You probably haven't kissed anyone because you're ugly...

muahzzbaybee 0

you shouldnt have been kissing him in the first place. he was probably drunk and had no idea who you where, and if your at a party you should defiantly take note to who you lock lips with because you can get mono or something like that. you dont know for sure if he shared drinks with people who had other diseases that could have been easily spread to you

it's definately worse that you're 23. FYL.

123sploosh 0

it's definitely worse than you can't spell definitely.

It's definitely worse that you couldn't spell "that", asshole.

It's definitely worse that you can't punctuate, retard. *"that,"

piggle 9
coffee_addict7 0

If that bothers you, then why did you choose to have your first kiss with a guy you just met? What did you expect?

YDI, did you expect some randomer you met at a party to stick with you

It's a party, that's what usually happens, get over it imo

BikerMike 0

no one goes to bars or parties are looking for a boyfriend/girlfriend. They are looking to get laid.