By kay51 - 24/11/2012 18:41 - United Kingdom
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 19/02/2024 05:00
By Anonymous - 17/11/2013 01:03 - United States
By Anonymous - 20/03/2012 15:37 - United States - Raleigh
Gambling is harmful
By stink - 04/09/2010 00:11
By adamclmns - 16/07/2011 22:52 - United States
By idontbleedfromthere - 22/08/2012 23:10 - United States - Indio
By padre74 - 03/10/2016 17:31 - United States - Jackson
By Laura - 03/05/2012 07:55 - France
By hate - 06/07/2017 11:58
Cool nickname
By nearsighted-ut - 26/09/2019 02:00
Top comments
New girl? Try not to be such a douche, brah.
Seems you have to couch up £10.... and I guess now so do I.
What if she isn't saying douche stuff, but it's the roommates being douche bags?
I be in so much debt
14 cough* not couch.
Schmidt is awesome lol
Funny thing is, as soon as I read the FML, I thought the exact sane! aha New Girl is pretty funny tbh(:
Hey female Schmidt, lol
It says that he had to give the money anytime he said something obnoxious. They just might think that everything he says is obnoxious, and they could be making fun of him for that.
Sounds like you might be a douchebag OP. Maybe you should take a good look at yourself in the mirror and reevaluate things.
I imagined this in Jeff Foxworthy's voice
Think before you speak.
Good luck if you have Tourette's though...
Eye totally agree #3
64- your a real newbie here aren't you?
Well don't say stupid things. YOLO and swag are douchey so stop saying them.
That's not douchey, that's just blatant faggotry.
Dude you obviously don't know what you're missing. **** it YOLO.
Just steal the jar then.
Saying YOLO everytime you do something is quite obnoxious OP.
You only you only live once once? What?
Correction you only die once. You go to heaven/hell( for religious people) or if you're dying and lose your heart beat and come back technically that's living twice. So yolo is false. Wodo is more accurate
32, another example yolo is false. Kenny McCormick. No, too much South Park? Ok, goodbye
"You only you only live once once." Sounds like a Nikki Minaj song... /:
Ignore the YoLoTards and SwagFags and keep your head up OP!
Um, I'd call that a sucker jar. Cuz it seems to me your roomates just found a way to sucker you into paying their portion of the rent.
Exactly. It's not like OP has to pay.
Isn't £10 each time a little excessive anyway? Call me cheap but I thought these things were usually £1 a pop....
A £1, really? Call me cheap, but that's a lot too.
A pound is about a dollar and a half right? That's a bit excessive, especially for a joke
Just point out what a stupid idea a douchebag jar is. You're probably not that obnoxious, they're just making fun of you.
I get the feeling that OP probably isn't a douchebag, and probably just has really annoying roommates.
I wonder who/what the money goes to. :/
Yeah. If it goes to something they can all use, or to something they all agree on, then as long as they are all okay with the jar, that would be fine, but, considering it sounds like the roommates are trying to get money out of OP, I wouldn't be surprised if they try to take the money for themselves.
well that's the thing #11 we have to go on the information that OP gives us. according to the post it sounds like op is a douchebag. but we don't really know that for sure, her roommates could just be screwing with her.

New girl? Try not to be such a douche, brah.
Well don't say stupid things. YOLO and swag are douchey so stop saying them.