By Anonymous Cunt - 24/11/2012 19:38 - Netherlands - Blaricum

Today, my mom had a tantrum and screamed at me over my use of bronzer. She called me a selfish bitch and claimed that I'm somehow slowly giving myself skin cancer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 009
You deserved it 17 624

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell her she's slowly giving herself high blood pressure from freaking out about shit that's not a big deal

Because fake tan stuff has UV rays within it! That's how it works! Duh!


I feel like this is something my mom might do. I think you should just explain calmly how it doesn't give you skin cancer.

MrClean17 15

I remember living with my parents, and even credible evidence wouldn't change their opinions haha. Once they set their minds, they were impossible to change.

This kid once said to me long ago "Hot Dogs gives you cancer, ya know."

Did anyone else notice that OP named herself 'Anonymous ****'?

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Because fake tan stuff has UV rays within it! That's how it works! Duh!

Bronzer isn't like a spray tan, it's makeup powder that girls wear on top of foundation

24 That joke flew way over your head didn't it?

27 I got a umm explicit image of that. Also is that how we get new planes?:O

The fake stuff have fake UV rays in it. Check the labels!

24- I wanted to put "/sarcasm" at the end of my comment, but I thought "Nah, don't want to be too obvious." *facedesk*

51 My comment was aimed at 24, not you.

Sorry I had a total blonde moment, I kind of thought I was 24 while I was reading 24's comment.

What else might you expect from 24, given that he calls himself "Sir_Swaggington".

No lol. I knew they were joking, but a lot of other people were saying stuff about fake tans and I know a lot of guys wouldn't know, so I commented on this one because it was closest to the top.

I forgot people get crucified for having fake joke names on the internet ygdrassl. I should change it to something as profound as yours so as to be taken seriously.

Yet another example of what people do when they arrive late for number one comment.

I thought bronzer was when someone lays in a tub of bronze coins.

69- it may be in powder form, but it's still a fake tan.

I don't see what's wrong with that. A bronzer is like blush. If you know how to apply it properly, it shouldn't be very noticeable. Bronzers are just for those days you look extremely pale, you just add a bit and even it out with a blending brush to add a bit of colour to your skin. And OP, either your mom doesn't know what a bronzer is, or you applied enough to make you look like you just shoved your face in a pile of dog shit and she didn't really want to tell you straight up.

winkydog4056 16

#116_....shoved your face in a pile of dog, the mental image is charming. Thank you

laylay33 6

HAHA no you didn't your honestly so stupid just stop embarrising your self

sugarshane007 20

It seems that everyone thinks everything causes cancer these days.

What are you saying? That not everything causes cancer?! Impossibru!

Cancer can cause cancer... Now you know, and Knowing is half the battle!!

25- your comment somehow got me thinking of Pokemon battles. **A wild cancer appeared**

Jdog619 11

Breathing oxygen greatly increases your chances of getting cancer. Fact: every person that has gotten cancer EVER has, at some point in their life breathed oxygen!

Well with one in seven getting it these days- I'm sometimes inclined to think they're right!

sugarshane007 20

Everyone ha the risk. People seem to forget that we are born with cancer cells and its just a matter of them acting into replication.

sugarshane007 20

As have I! Funny how that works, someone should so do a study on that.

LonelyIslander1 5

25- your comment reminded me of the J.I. Joe saying.

tsent8 15

Only in California does everything cause cancer.

You have gave yourself finger cancer by typing that

Tell her she's slowly giving herself high blood pressure from freaking out about shit that's not a big deal

Then she'll blame OP and yell at her for giving her a higher blood pressure and then start yelling at her (OP that her (the Mother) constant yelling at OP keeps on giving her a higher blood pressure and it would just keep going and going until she explodes. Then you have mom confetti.

Paging grammar nazi to isle 15, immediate clean up requested. Paging grammar nazi to isle 15. That is all.

strawberrywine22 30

Well, now that I actually see my comment, all I can say is I ****** up. Now who do I blame other than myself?....

kittenvks 11

83, protocol clearly states you blame a roommate, sarcasm, or being half asleep.

The_SkyCantLimit 5
gmc_blossom 21

You should stop doing that with your eye. It could cause cancer.

We all know bronzer and spray-on tans cause ink-poisoning, not cancer. What was she thinking?

Try to take solace in the fact that your mom probably just doesn't want you ending up like the orange monster ***** Snookie... But your right, she shouldn't be having conniptions over this.

I don't see what so cool about a fake tan, most those people end up looking like an Oompa Loompa anyway. I want to punch the jersey shore douche bags for making people think that's cool.

What's the difference between hurricane Sandy and snookie? They both blew the entire east coast, but only snookie is an orange oompa loompa.

strawberrywine22 30

It was cool before Jersey Shore. Plus, the "cool" thing about it is the pretty tan without the skin cancer. Been there done that, my sister just found out she has (I think it's) melanoma after years of weekly tanning, and I'd much prefer to see her using Fake Bake.

What's The Difference Between Jersey Girls & Trash? The Trash Gets Taken Out More Often.

What does snookie and a vacuum have in common? -they both suck, blow, and get laid in a closet!! -btw, it was "cool" before Jersey shore as you mentioned, but jersey shore just made alot more people want to look like them and made it alot more common and popular, made it more approved by society, guys should not "fake bake" on a daily basis like that, and how they act and talk? Not the accent, I mean the stupidity that just flows out of their mouths in what they interpret as "words" -jersey shore = almost no faith in the human race

Whenever I think of jersey shore i find the nearest dictionary and write "jersey shore cast" under douce bag.

Yeah man Jersey Shore makes people more stupid as they watch it.

Jersey Shore bringing out the stupidity in people, paved the way for such things as: "yolo" and "swag."

**** it, YOLO. You bitches can't match my swag.

Watch out we have a badass over here. ^^

Your picture fits my expression, and your comment.

CharresBarkrey 15

I honestly don't see what the big deal is with Jersey Shore. If you don't like it, you don't have to watch it. Believe it or not, you also don't have to tell the whole world how much you don't like it. They're not hurting anyone, and they certainly shouldn't affect you in any way. It seems like people can't dislike something these days without bashing it every second they get and making sure everyone knows that they think its stupid, and making people who do like it feel stupid. Honestly, THOSE are the people who are wrong with this generation; The ones who can't let others be without being condescending.

I don't watch it but I see people talking like them and acting like them which annoys me, because they're ******* douche bags. So while I don't watch it I'm still reminded of the stupid ass show.

20- but why must you tan? Maybe it's because I'm naturally tan, but I don't see what's the hoopla of tanning. I think porcelain white skin is pretty but that doesn't mean I'm going to alter my appearance and make my skin white.