By hate - 06/07/2017 11:58

Today, I spent 2 hours scrubbing puke off the dishes in the kitchen. Why? Because my moronic flatmate was dared by his equally moronic friend to drink a bottle of castor oil and then eat an entire jar of marmite. As a result, he projectile vomited all over all the dishes and left me to clean up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 229
You deserved it 455

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why did you clean them?? I would have demanded him to wash the dishes.

chocolateteacup 25

That's not your mess to clean up OP!


Why did you clean them?? I would have demanded him to wash the dishes.

wafflefriez91 17

and if he doesnt do it put them in his bed.

no you should have put that crap in his room

chocolateteacup 25

That's not your mess to clean up OP!

this is not something you had to do. and 2 hours???

I choose you deserve it, because you are cleaning it up. If was me it would be left to him.

I'd have taken all the dishes he puked onto and dropped them on his bed with a note, "Do stupid things, win stupid prizes. You won cleanup duty!"

This is when you steal your flatmate's credit card to hire a hazmat crew to decontaminate your kitchen while you spend a week in a hotel.

Sneaky1690 8

If you actually do it, it will only encourage him. Put this dishes in his room so they don't stink up the house. Buy new dishes (a small amount) and keep them in you're room. Clean them when you're done using them. Anytime his dishes go uncleaned in a common area for 3-4 days, put them in his room.

no way. no way would I clean up after that. he'd do it himself immediately or he would be finding a new place to live. I can barely clean up my own child's vomit without blowing chunks myself.