By Anonymous - 23/02/2012 20:25 - United States

Today, my mom tried to give me the sex talk, while I was mounting my boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 814
You deserved it 37 514

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lilyisme1324 0

Why would u try n mount ur boyfriend in front of ur mom


why would your mom be beside you while you were having sex?!!?

First question, did she try to give u the talk through the door? Second question, what kind of mother gives someone the sex talk through a door?

You should have locked the ******* door or not do it in your mothers house. *******, annoying teenagers these days. ~~i had sex in my parents house and my mom had the nerve to give me the sex talk. If it were my mom when I was a teenager I would not be alive to tell this tail...

My mother told us that if we were old enough to have sex in her house then we were old enough to pay our own bills and live on our own. She always offered to help pack our bags and send us away when we talked back. We were too young and broke to take her up on her offer. Where are the parents nowadays that scare children into obedience?

tattooedcowboy 6

Just tell the truth. Your studying that for sex ed

linkinpark98 23

It would have been more awkward if she didn't say anything at all... And just watched. o.o

I think BS... No mom that wants to give the sex talk would do it then and even so, mom's trends to do one of three things when catching their kid doing the nasty. 1. Get all big eyed and back out. 2. Go in like a hellhound. Or 3. Laugh and say something like, "You kids have fun now!"

ImSoEffedUp 10

Dang, looks like your moms was just a lil too late huh....

R u crazy the is the weirdest thing u did that's and ur mom was in the room?