By Anonymous - 23/02/2012 20:25 - United States

Today, my mom tried to give me the sex talk, while I was mounting my boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 814
You deserved it 37 514

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lilyisme1324 0

Why would u try n mount ur boyfriend in front of ur mom


There are so many disturbing elements to this FML and its comments. x_x

burnnow 7

Well, hopefully your boyfriend gave u some pointers ;)

j_rodge 4

Anyone think that maybe the OP didn't tell us it was over the fone to sound cool?

shutupK 0

Keep in mind this could have been over the phone...

My and my boyfriend have sex like that all the time. Me on top with my shirt on, just in case someone happens to walk in because he has no door (weird, I know) and then it just looks like I'm sitting on him. Lucky no one has. /shrug. OP just had bad timing and probably couldn't get off because they had no pants on

caitybear32 0

Why were you having sex near ur mom?? Uhhh common sense?

... I think that this is just as much your fault as it is hers...

warren8100 2