By Anonymous - 23/02/2012 20:25 - United States

Today, my mom tried to give me the sex talk, while I was mounting my boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 814
You deserved it 37 514

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lilyisme1324 0

Why would u try n mount ur boyfriend in front of ur mom


Great timing Mom. Did she at least check to see if you were using a condom? God knows we do not need any children of your massive intelligence level running around.

there are so many things wrong with this did the words mom get out cross your mind or maby this was a bad idea

hwns 2

you kinky little bitch! letting your mum watch like that.

There is a reason locks were created. That being said your mom should have had that conversation with you long before this.

charlie2_fml 2

Am I the only one who thought maybe her mom phoned her?

Was she just watching or something...? Awkward

CaptainPickles72 18

I second the upping of thumbs. That's a great snow-job!

Remove the word "talk" from this FML and the situation gets significantly more arousing ;)

charlieinfinite 1

If this is an issue, chances are, you're probably too young to be having sex anyway.

Missy, if you were ANY kind of mature.."like, wicked mature"'d know you're NOT allowed on FML until you're at least 14 & that sex, like alcohol, & tobacco ARE FOR ADULTS ONLY...that's why the welfare system is full of teen moms....they AREN'T mature enough to wait til they're grown up to do grown up things. Wait another year & then we'll all see just if how like wicked mature you are enough to be on here then. Meanwhile, get off of here before a couple thousand of us have your account like totally blocked. Like You do trololol, on here though.

darlingdollie 24

Your replies proved it, as well as your spelling.

hilary56 0

You're sick and your mom is funny :) ydi