By Anonymous - 04/03/2010 10:06 - United States

Today, my mom walked in on me and my boyfriend having sex. She was completely embarrassed (as was I) and she flew out of the room. My boyfriend, on the other hand, still wanted to finish. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 404
You deserved it 20 705

Same thing different taste


Horney4her69 0

I hope she did. sucks when you don't get to finish.


FHL for you bein a selfish tramp and not letting him finish.

she "flew out of the room" to go ride her *****. she finished the job, you should have too

mmastermetallica 0

finish only if time permits, she has to get back to the kitchen asap! or go hot it from behind while she makes the sandwhich. moms busy w her ***** anyway apparently

The FML is that the mom walked in. It's a good thing her bf wanted to finish or else he would show up on gaydar.

myman47 0

how close to finishing were u

sounds like my ex when I was already past curfew once again and my dad hated and he always wanted to pull in a abondoned parking lot to have a quicky EVEN THO I WAS ALREADY PAST CURFEW. ugh.

WhatANoob 0

A quicky? fun fun fun fun fun in tha car

killerviral 0


thats what you get dont do that if your not grown up enough to live on your own.

drilher244 0

hey! you can't get a guy started and not let him finish!

kingace 0

haha 109, i read that and thought of mortal combat.

keyword "boyfriend" not husband. that's what u get for not having your own place and being not being married before you have sex. I say UDI for being and idiot and having sex before marriage!

#102 why? Plenty of guys don't get the girl to finish every time.

Dwight_A_R_Manag 0

nope! don't people lock doors anymore. you deserve it for not using your brain

my room doesn't have a lock on the door...prob for that reason... that's also probably why I don't have a comp in my room...or that im unable to send pictxts....hmmm

I don't have a lock on my door either :( my parents won't let me have a cp in my room either

PsychoMerk 0

Hahaha that's great. 17 the OP said the mom "flew" out of the room.

ElMetalero 0

lmao i could imagine her just flying out the window

o0XMzMayX0o 0

why are u having sex in ur house?maybe that's why you get "interupted".....

cantfightfate 0

is she supposed to have sex outside? most people I know have sex in their house...most the time anyway :)

Right you have sex in YOUR house, not mom

OP lives with their mom .. *facepalm*

as if u wouldn't keep goin wats the worst that can happened have sex n not finish it of ur mum knows who cares get the job done n enjoy urself atleast u can b happy about somethin

then finish! don't deprive him, give the man what he wants ;))

Your use of the English language scares me.

When I read this the first time, I thought you walked in on your mum sleeping with your that's a FML.

mileycyrusisgay 0

You didn't wanna finish too? She already KNEW what you guys were doing. Might as well have continued.

Yeah, but that's a bit of a mood killer. For OP at least. The boyfriend is a bit of a pig.

trottsky4 0

that's called blue balls , shit sucks