By Anonymous - 23/02/2012 20:25 - United States

Today, my mom tried to give me the sex talk, while I was mounting my boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 814
You deserved it 37 514

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lilyisme1324 0

Why would u try n mount ur boyfriend in front of ur mom


Ohh wooooow nice move I bet your boyfriend was happy... I know I would be pisse if I was a guy

2cute4u_18 1

Lmao I guess she doesn't think you know about sex

friedbunnies 9

Mounting? Sounds like you needed it...

you were mounting your boyfriend in front of your mother because..???

xxhailstorm18759 7

Hahaha, maybe next time you may wanna chose a better time eh ;) hah maybe when the rents are not around ;p

"Jane, you see, sometimes when a man loves a woman... oh! I can see you're already on top of things."

super_awesomesau 4

It's never to late for a quick lesson

superguppy19 3