By beerpong26 - 06/02/2009 19:54 - United States

Today, my girlfriend was about to give me a blowjob. When her lips met my penis, there was a huge static shock. I never got the blowjob, she is still laughing and I have ice on my penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 583
You deserved it 6 884

Same thing different taste


quiksta 0

i finally understand what this post means. the mix-n-match style grammar and tenses slowed my decryption. this post - it means you're a whiny little bitch. a static shock is the pain equivalent of scratching yourself with the hard side of velcro. in fact i can't believe isn't more painful (or at least "shocking") having ice on your ****. drama queen. i bet you don't even have a girlfriend. if you did' you'd have better things to do than make up tall tales. besides, this can't be true. nothing in the world should make a straight man say no to a *******. you pulled your wee wee up between your legs and squealed all the way home.

Morganic 0

Dude that sucks, that's a story.....

Ouch XD Well when you're all healed up you'll have something the two of you can laugh about :)

I_Suck_At_Life 0

#19... *sigh* Thats pretty funny... That happened to my friend once. He said his gf laughed so hard.

LMent 0

Sounds like you have an electric sex organ

They say that when you meet "the one" there will be sparks!

DUDE! you have an electric penis, you're a pornstar now! Raunchy robot sex 6: attack of the sexbot

lol. Oh no, you didn't get a *******. Get over it.