By Flabbergasted - 06/02/2009 21:32 - United States

Today, I found out that my boyfriend of two years has been having an affair with another woman. He works with me and the woman also works in the same company. She is also married and is now 6 months pregnant. They are throwing a baby shower for her on Monday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 760
You deserved it 2 256

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Does her husband know she's having an affair with your boyfriend? I'm a vindictive bitch, but if it were me, I would be having a little chat with her hubby!

keep your head up, not every guy is a tool like him.


keep your head up, not every guy is a tool like him.

iamsam2 3

if he wasnt ur bf and ud have to do the divorce shit then it would be worse.

yeah. OP, get as far away as you possibly can from this retarded situation. Let the stupids breed with the stupids but you don't need any part of it.

br00kr 22

Go to the baby shower and start yelling at him about it in front of everyone. He will not only most likely get fired but he will also have no girlfriend and most likely have the teeth knocked out by the womens husband!!!

k2rules 0

I would say that your boyfriend was obvioulsy a real piece of crap and probably does not deserve you anyways. So I would suggest that you take what ever time needed to heal and then when you are ready go out there and find a guy that is worth your time!

Leave him, and don't forget to kick him between the legs.

Kick his ass to the curb. There are better guys out there, I promise.

Take her husband out for a night on the town.

That's why office romances are never a good idea

Does her husband know she's having an affair with your boyfriend? I'm a vindictive bitch, but if it were me, I would be having a little chat with her hubby!

for her baby shower...heres what you get a map of hollywood put a "YOU are here" sticker on the trashy end and on the upscale end you put "julia roberts character is here" and then for your guy..if youve dumped his sorry ass. you find a pair of scissors and a jar and hint that you would be happy to relocate his bits for him.....dont say your going can get you in serious trouble. then you go talk to her husband. then you go get some sushi and have a bubble bath or something. I hope your next guy isnt such a f**ktard. cause you can do a lot better than him.

christopherlove 0

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lulututu 4

well in that case he should have left her. if your mans cheating its because hes not a man. don't be so ignorant.

Can't wait for the day you get f*cked over!why bother with a relationship if he/she wants to screw around,their own unhappiness has had a knock on affect on everyone.oh the selfishness.

rocker_chick23 27

#19: That means when your girlfriend cheats on you, YOU are doing something wrong.

ohhhhshizzz 0

#19: Don't stick up for cheaters, I know PLENTY of girls/women who got cheated on just because the guy was a douche who couldn't keep it in their pants, so stfu.