By Lizz - 06/02/2009 19:25 - United States

Today, I got up the courage to go to my very first voice lesson. I thought I did alright, but at the end my teacher told me, "Now don't worry about grades in this class, I grade on effort, not on talent." FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 708
You deserved it 3 104

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My band teacher told the oboe player to stop playing and never start again.

Don't take it too personally. When I first started taking voice lessons, I sounded terrible. I'm now an Opera major at University


Don't take it too personally. When I first started taking voice lessons, I sounded terrible. I'm now an Opera major at University

she might have just been letting you know and wasn't talking about your actual singing. and some teachers are just weird. I took choir one year and the teacher hated me and was always giving non-constructive criticism about my singing, so i didn't take it the next year and he keeps asking me why i'm not in choir anymore and how he wants me to come back because i have "a beautiful voice." i was just like "umm that's not what you told me last year!" and keep trying! you might have done very well, but you'll get even better with the lessons.

That's nothing. What if you didn't really do bad, he's just telling you what to focus on.

you'll live. my Math tracer said he grades us on organization and completion skills, not how well we do on it.

Lets just hope that he grades by singing effort and not by 'effort' ;)

My band teacher told the oboe player to stop playing and never start again.

hotzstuff89 0

im sure it wasnt directed at your performance!(: but it is way easy to feel self consious after working up all that courage just to sing!

Or that she doesn't grade on talent but is going to fail her anyways for sucking so bad.