By TwiceDaily,Kids - 06/04/2012 00:41 - United States

Today, my girlfriend got pissed when I told her she needed to brush her teeth more than once a day. I could smell her breath from across the bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 909
You deserved it 5 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thats disgusting get her to go to a dentist FYL.

Maybe her breath smells like shit, but her ass smells minty fresh?


If she's having that bad of breath after brushing once a day, she's got to have something majorly wrong, she needs to see a dentist and maybe change her brushing habits. What if she only spend 30 second brushing? That'd be gross

TheEpicMilkMan 13

or she could brush twice a day as most people do....

Damn I remember that one! I just can't remember what show.

Whatta turn-off :/ how did she not notice the Stinky breath?? >.

Bad breath is horrific. Can't stand it. Please, people: if you don't want to fix it, there are breath mints..

TheEpicMilkMan 13

she only brushes once a day....its beyond bad breath ._.

Bad breath is a complete turn off! Tell her that she's gotta sleep on the couch unless the floss and toothbrush don't come out!

I would have been embarressed, not upset.

perdix 29

I doubt the foul odor is emanating only from her mouth. Other orifices are surely contributing to the stench.

Chronic bad breath often has nothing to do with tooth brushing habits! She should see a doctor. It could be medication she's on, an infection, any number of things. Even constipation could cause it! (gross but true)

How do you tackle a bad breath situation without making someone upset?

Yes many folks do not realize constipation(and you can be going poo regularly and still be constipated) can cause some hellish bad breath. Many physical illnesses are signaled by bad breath.

Taymah49 7

Could have given it in better form

jackeechan 10

At least it wasnt from across the room