By Sir Vom-a-lot - 14/06/2012 16:28 - United Kingdom - West Drayton
Same thing different taste
By i fking love docb - 04/11/2012 21:16 - Virgin Islands, U.S. - Christiansted
By TwiceDaily,Kids - 06/04/2012 00:41 - United States
By woah - 04/05/2011 11:51 - United States
By Anonymous - 23/01/2010 16:14 - Canada
By Anonymous - 29/05/2016 15:15 - Denmark
By nicole - 22/09/2011 10:31 - Reserved
By dating a fking cnt - 10/11/2012 00:16 - Canada
By HomicidalPegasus - 25/05/2014 15:50 - United States - Bethalto
By Toothy - 02/04/2011 05:03 - United States
Cuteness overload
By Cpm - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Canada
Top comments
Why Dafuq cant you come up with an original joke?
Another unfortunate victim of the heavy burden of first post. Remove your hats, men. We've lost another one. *Funeral music plays in background*
24- He was so young... He had a whole life in front of him! *sobs*
Hey it's the greatest thing ever, cause you know she's not prego
An FuckMyLife?
85- refer to your picture for my comment to you... 35 and 54 are correct. When the word SOUNDS like it starts with a vowel, you use an, even if it doesn't actually start with a vowel (therefore it is AN FML because you pronounce it EFF-EMM-ELL)
54 and 90- You are both wrong. The correct pronunciation is clearly "fim-ill". Don't even try to deny it.
47 - like 54 said, it's the sound of a vowel that requires the use of "an". The word hour starts with a consonant but you still don't say a hour. You use an because of the vowel sound.
Hey everyone chill out. It's Friday for the love of God! Yay
35 its not an fml f in not a vowel
Friday in Australia!
Awesome comment man
Dafuq is a commonly used joke amongst the Internet. Ever heard of a meme? gtfo.
Just to clear up this whole "a or an FML" thing. It's a FML because FML is an acronym for **** my life. You would say "a **** my life" not "an **** my life". Therefore, you would write "a FML".
I guess it all depends on what you say. If you say " I'm ready A fuckmylife " then it would be a, but if you say " I'm reading an FML ", then it's an. But seriously, even though it's an acronym, " a FML" sounds retarded.
143 - Are you intentionally being thick?
Wow people, enough bickering. It can be either "an" or "a" depending on the form you're using, whether it be the acronym, or the full words. There, you're all right.
No it does matter because acronyms are ok. However not using 'a' or 'an' correctly is leading to a illiterate america. I'm 13 and i get basic grammar come on people
214-*an illiterate Now please do continue. I was enjoying your speech.
No shit!!!!
its honestly not that big of a deal, it is just a tampon.
it took a lot of up and down scrolling to get the full dose of this thread. i've concluded that some people are just not that bright
Touché Pentium.
Your are 100% correct
I believe you spelled "disgusting" wrong that EVER ok?
I'm pretty sure that the only time this is okay is never.
That's just wrong..
At least you get to see some pussy.
I'm pretty sure you can put in some sort of application for red wings now.
I really don't think there is any stage in a relationship where that would be okay. FYL haha
Well... Its kinda like that stage of the relationship when you can poop with the door open... Complete, utter, and disgusting trust
Been with my husband for 20 years and still wouldn't do that. Bad enough I have to deal with female maintenance, I'm not going to make people witness it on purpose. I mean if he came in after me then that's on him.
I find 96's story rather touching. Some men shave their women's legs for them, wash their hair, etc. I wish my boyfriend would change my tampons..
On my bad days my husband will help with some things. I've had him brush and dry my hair. He has dyed it for me. Put in colored hair extensions. Since I got sick he's turning into my beautician. Don't think I'd be comfortable with him changing my products for me unless I absolutely couldn't. But to each their own I guess.
For a couple weeks my mom could not use her hand so my dad dyed her hair. After that time, he kept on doing it because my mom liked for him to dye it.
That would work too :) I would change his tampon if he did the rest of the dirty work!
Thats exactly was I was thinking!
49/84/86- please just shut up...
100 - don't be a dick.
Whilst! Hahahaha
Schnearf!.. Oh, we aren't just making up knew words?
It's amusing that you think "whilst" was the funny part of the FML.
Dafuq indeed!
Oh you poor thing. Hope she didn't make eye contact!
29) you forgot the moans
...which lips? *shot*
119, I believe 29 meant her mouth, unless she can lick her other lips, and that would be quite the talent!
I wanna meet that girl!
That should not be a stage. I think you should sit her down and tell her that's not okay, ever.
I like your style :)
Add me on Facebook:)
soooo...? It's a natural thing. ...Yeah, she didn't have to do it when you were brushing your teeth, I'm sure; but so many guys get so freaked out when it comes to women's periods! Child birth will be much worse if you two choose to go that route.
Probably safe to say he'll love the baby more than he does the tampon.
Hey, I don't freak out over a woman's period, but I sure as hell don't want to watch her change her tampon. Some things need to stay private, and this is VERY high on that list.
You sound like a stuck up bitch. Jussayin
You spell like a stuck up bitch, twtwaldron. *Just saying. I agree with you, what_ever2007. That's like a women being appalled by a man's ejaculation. Both are bodily fluids.
I'm man enough, there isn't anything a woman could do to gross me out! Common man, she's the one doing it and you're the one being a little bitch? Show your woman that you are that comfortable around her, man up. Some day you'll be glad you did....
Yes it's natural but so what. Why should he have to see her change her tampon, just because it's natural. As a female, I wouldn't even want my boyfriend seeing that. It's disgusting enough as it is to me.
No one MADE him look at her. He was brushing his teeth, he could have recognized what she was doing and looked away. But it sounds like he just kept watching in horror. It's not like she said, "Hey! Look what I found!" This is not an fmylife, this is an Iwastemporarilygrossedoutbymygirlfriendslevelofcomfortabilityaroundme.
263, I wish the biggest worry in my life was seeing a tampon being inserted. I guess that i have more pressing worries and problems to deal with, that doesn't bother me. Taking a shit is "disgusting" but a part of life. I'm not going on about how girl may have heard it! Like OMG! Fo real? I'm worried about a house payment, putting food on the table. You know, adult things.
Thanks, 217 :) Completely agree with you, yodaevil.
I totally agree with you! I want to say "**** you" to guys who complain about having to deal with girls periods. They ain't the ones having to deal with it. We are. The bastards
Same goes for child birth. your hand hurts? Bitch please!
Thank you! And maybe there's only one bathroom and he's been using it for a while, those things start getting super uncomfortable and it's bad to leave them in too long anyways.
Oh my. I think you should talk to her. That's very uncomfortable on your part. And it should be on hers too. FYL op
Your profile pic definitely fits this FML

I really don't think there is any stage in a relationship where that would be okay. FYL haha
Sorry for you OP. That's bloody ridiculous.