By TwiceDaily,Kids - 06/04/2012 00:41 - United States

Today, my girlfriend got pissed when I told her she needed to brush her teeth more than once a day. I could smell her breath from across the bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 909
You deserved it 5 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thats disgusting get her to go to a dentist FYL.

Maybe her breath smells like shit, but her ass smells minty fresh?


She was probably more embarrassed than mad.

Eww how do you manage? Shit if she can't do the normal hygienic thing and brush her teeth I could imagine how often does she bathe herself!!!! You need a new girlfriend. I bet she's cottage cheese down there. Only way to know if you can smell her ****** then her panties are definitely crusted with nasty molding looking ****** juice lol

No matter how stinky her breath is, you don't say that to anyone, especially a girl! Girls are more self conscious about themselves than guys are. Just give her Listerine or another type if mouthwash.

She has every right to be mad some people have bad breath because there is something wrong like me who gets it from really bad acid reflux I have to carry a bottle of mouth wash most every where. Take her to the doctor it might be something like that. my throat is being eaten away from it increasing my risk of throat cancer