By TwiceDaily,Kids - 06/04/2012 00:41 - United States

Today, my girlfriend got pissed when I told her she needed to brush her teeth more than once a day. I could smell her breath from across the bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 909
You deserved it 5 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thats disgusting get her to go to a dentist FYL.

Maybe her breath smells like shit, but her ass smells minty fresh?


If that's not a good enough reason to break up, I don't know what is.

rcgirl2 11

She needs to go to the dentist. Because if she brushes and her breath still stinks, something's not right.

Most research actually says to only brush once a day. You can wear out your enamel by brushing too much. Halitosis can also be caused by a dry mouth, inferior diet, or genetics. Next time tell her to drink some water and eat less dairy instead of insulting her hygiene. Not gonna lie, that was kind of a dick move.

so you actually pissed on her? (she got pissed) probably she got pissed OFF after that...

What he said is grammatically correct.

hateevryone 14

Well if it's true, she can't be offended. Just brush her damn teeth. I hate when people have the type of breathe you can smell a mile away.

boredlikealwayz 4

U should eat something that smells so if she tells u to brush more say that you'll brush when she does.

bearsy 0

Gotta give her an ora brush!! Trust me you'll both love it

Might be a cavity. They can reek pretty badly while your girlfriend is naturally immune to detect it. Try suggesting she sees a dentist.

bad breath doesn't mean bad hygiene....she might hav gum disease and u can get her a tongue scraper she might hav bacteria on her tongue....make her an appt. to the dentist....

...even only brushing once a day her breath shouldn't be that bad. She needs to go to the dentist.