By probably single - 29/05/2015 18:28 - Denmark - Gram

Today, my girlfriend bought two tickets for a cruise to the Bahamas. Too bad the second ticket isn't for me. I guess her ex-boyfriend will have a wonderful time with her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 000
You deserved it 2 405

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rhiannahoward14 19

Your name... "Probably single"... You should DEFINITELY be single and YOU should be the one to end it.

kameron018 18

Sorry to hear that OP. Have a good time without her somewhere else!


kameron018 18

Sorry to hear that OP. Have a good time without her somewhere else!

This comment has a blindingly bright outlook on things.

Probably should have a good time without her somewhere else....forever. OP I smell foul play.

yeah, no. there would be no relationship, if OP has any sense.

Now is perfect time to go on a vacation for yourself!! And also to break up with her, if you haven't already!!

rhiannahoward14 19

Your name... "Probably single"... You should DEFINITELY be single and YOU should be the one to end it.

Exactly what I went to comment. OP if you weren't the one to dump her you done goofed

EXACTLY! No one should be okay with that I can't imagine it not being a definite

I'm guessing the girlfriend wanted to end things and this was her horrible way of doing it.

At least you know now that she's a **** and that you deserve better? Chin up, OP. Get out there and find someone sweet for you.

Your girlfriend? I think you should make her your ex-girlfriend. Dump her and find someone who deserves your love, OP.

ColonelCusswords 24

Maybe youll get some photos ?

ColonelCusswords 24

Because i am a terrible person

That was brutally honest and made this mishap more hilarious.

amileah13 26

I guess maybe now you're the ex boyfriend?