I love that for you

By friboy2791 - 27/09/2021 17:01

Today, my long distance friend-with-benefits informed me she's now in a relationship with an amazing guy. I should be happier for her, as even I admit he is perfect for her. Too bad I just spent over a thousand dollars on plane tickets to visit her. The tickets are completely nonrefundable. FML
I agree, your life sucks 514
You deserved it 916

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you love sightseeing and other touristy stuff because that's all you'll do in the area.

I would download tinder and just sleep with someone else in the area


I hope you love sightseeing and other touristy stuff because that's all you'll do in the area.

I would download tinder and just sleep with someone else in the area

GoogieWithers 22

See if you can rearrange the date or destination and go holiday instead.

This should be fine, since you said FRIENDS with benefits and now you just have a FRIEND. Enjoy spending time with your friend, or stop calling your casual lays FWBs.

hopejm 5

that stinks. try switching your destination. have a nice vacation in Bahamas, Hawaii or Vegas

rotflqtms_ 21

They may be nonrefundable, but you can temporarily cancel the trip and I think you have a year to do another one. Has to be in your name still (so no flights for someone else) but you can use the credit to go elsewhere. If you took off work for it, make it a vacation destination. I've done this twice so far with delta since covid makes getting credits so much easier.

Michael Wood_279567485 8

Why not just have a holiday? Relax a bit, if they truly were a friend with benefits, you could still catch up as a friend without those particular benefits... if not you still get a holiday to yourself