By pauper - 09/02/2012 01:20

Today, I came home to a homeless man sleeping in my living room. It turns out he thought my house was abandoned due to its disheveled appearance, and decided to break in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 277
You deserved it 8 771

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, while he's there have him work for his stay- he can live there and you don't have to do laundry or dishes! It's a win-win situation!

ninjuh_wingman 29

You know your house is messy when a hobo believes that theres no way someone would live in it.


Hey, while he's there have him work for his stay- he can live there and you don't have to do laundry or dishes! It's a win-win situation!

Funny you say that, we have a girl who sleeps on our couch/loungeroom floor and she cooks/cleans for board. She messed up spaghetti out of the jar so now she just cleans.

It's time to clean house. Literally and figuratively. Give the man an ultimatum! Either he can stay in your home for the time being or he take what's left in the trashcan and GTFO. Don't forget to wish him well in his decision he chooses

If a freaking homeless man can break into your house, you've got a problem.

This might be one of the rare times when having OCD might actually help you out in life.

When a hobo tells you your house is run down, it must be REALLY messed up

ibv123_fml 3

^wow didnt think about that, thats hilarious

He crawled into bed with you after, didn't he? Free shelter, warmth, *and* a free bitch - what more could a man ask for?

hilary56 0

1. This is "bitch" is a guy 2. You are sick

conqueror57 11

You think this homeless guy has so many dates line up that he can be picky over something as insignificant as gender??

lizard399 0

Just want to point out to you that your comment is irrelevant, seeing as though you don't know what a man is. A "man" would never refer to a lady as a "bitch". Plus you didn't even check the gender before you commented.

24, all the comments are irrelevant, it's the Internet! :)

lizard399 0

Well, more so when you're a sexiest fool.

lizard399 0

Sexest? Sexiest? Sex..est..? I can't figure out how to spell it because I've never had to before.. Just thought I'd put that out there before a pack of wolves corrected my spelling.

Guys. *Guys.* *I'm* female and I'm well aware of OP's gender. That was sort of the point of the joke.

I think you're looking for *sexist* :) sexiest would be "the most sexy" so... I don't think so, lol

ninjuh_wingman 29

You know your house is messy when a hobo believes that theres no way someone would live in it.

Shelbyyyyyyy 4

Uh that would have been awkward.

Time for a paint. Or maybe do some yard work on a day off.

Clean and fix the house? Why not just stick a sign in the front yard stating your house is still a place of residence? Hey, less work, same effect.

borkchop1992 15

Now you have a room-mate who wont be paying any of the bills. Nicee

That's something you never want to hear a homeless guy say to you.